• 2 months ago
प्रदेश के स्कूलों में हेल्थ क्लब बनाने की योजना है, जो बच्चों को फास्ट फूड के दुष्प्रभाव के साथ-साथ हेल्थ को लेकर भी जागरूक करेंगे.


00:30It is our responsibility to make the children aware of the harm caused by junk food and to make them understand it in a practical way.
00:40Perhaps, parents are not as worried about the seriousness of the issue as they should be.
00:50Because the habit of junk food is increasing in children.
00:53And when children become habitual of junk food, they don't like the normal food.
00:59And as we know from the name, junk food has no nutritious value.
01:05So, the long-term effects of junk food will be very negative for the health.
01:11The ability to fight diseases will be reduced in children.
01:14Children will fall sick more.
01:16Their liver, intestine and other related diseases will increase.
01:21So, it will be so dangerous that the health of the children and the future generation will decrease.
01:30So, this is a matter of great concern.
01:32Perhaps, our education department and their specialist experts have understood this.
01:39They have focused on starting a health club.
01:42So, they must have definitely thought about this.
01:44For so many days, special attention is being given to the health of citizens around the world.
01:47The state government has taken a step in this regard.
01:49A health club will be set up in the school.
01:51There will be an education department.
01:53Children will also be included in this.
01:55Children will be monitored.
01:57The main aim will be to keep children away from junk food and tobacco.
02:02Physical exercise will also be taken care of.
02:04This is a major step.
02:06This will improve the physical development of children.
02:08And teachers will also be aware of their health.
02:12The main aim will be to keep children aware of their health.
02:19This will be a major step.
02:24After the government's order, a health club will be set up in all the schools.
02:28There will be a maximum of 15 people in this health club.
02:31There will be children and teachers.
02:33These people will decide what kind of food the children should eat in the school.
02:37What kind of food they should not eat.
02:39What kind of food they should bring in the lunch box.
02:42What kind of food they should not bring in the lunch box.
02:44What harm does junk food do?
02:46All these issues will be discussed.
02:48This health club is being set up for the health of children.
02:53It is a good and a wonderful step to set up a health club.
