Mumbai: DCP Dixit Gedam on actor Saif Ali Khan says, "In the incident that occurred, 10 different investigation teams are working. It has been revealed in the investigation that one of the accused was brought to the actor's house. So far, the investigation suggests that it was an attempted robbery. We are working to quickly arrest one of the accused. Once the accused is arrested, we will disclose further details..."
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00:00The incident that happened last night with actor Manikar,
00:0910 different investigation teams are working on it.
00:18We got to know that an accused had gone to the actor's house.
00:27We also got to know that he used a fire escape to go to his house.
00:36We got to know that this was an attempt to commit a theft.
00:49We are trying to arrest the accused as soon as possible.
00:53Once the accused is arrested, we will get to know the details.
01:01One accused has been identified.
01:04We got to know that he used a staircase.
01:08Teams are on the field to arrest the accused.
01:12There are 10 investigation teams working in different directions.
01:17One accused's movement was seen in the apartment last night.
01:28Investigation is going on in that direction.