MUMBAI: In an exclusive conversation with Dinesh Prajapati, the accused's lawyer in the homicide case of Saif Ali Khan. “The police presented the report to the court today, he said, and they requested a seven-day police detention remand. They stated that they needed to record his shoes, perform facial recognition, and gather a lot more evidence.”
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00:00The police has submitted a report to the court, which states that we need a 7-day police custody remand.
00:08They have said that we need to recover the shoes, face recognition, and other evidences.
00:14They have a doubt if anyone can be their accomplice.
00:19For that, they need to be investigated.
00:22For that, we need a 7-day police custody remand.
00:24They have shown their clothes and other evidences at the remand grounds.
00:29They need to recover the shoes and other evidences.
00:33They need to be investigated.
00:37For that, we need a police custody remand.
00:39We will get to know if the person is guilty or not only after the investigation.
00:44After the investigation report, we will file a case against them.
00:49They have not filed a case against us yet.
00:52But they have said that we need a face recognition remand.
00:55So, we need to investigate.