• 2 months ago
कबीरधाम जिले में पहला महिला थाना का उद्घाटन गृहमंत्री विजय शर्मा और विधायक भावना बोहरा ने किया.


00:00This is a very happy and proud moment that in Chhattisgarh, where 5 women's prisons were opened,
00:28Kabir Dham district is one of them.
00:30First of all, I would like to thank our Chief Minister, Vishnu Desai ji,
00:35for always standing up for women's empowerment.
00:39The women's prison in Kabir Dham district is a place where women get an opportunity to go and solve their problems.
00:47Sometimes, the women go to the police station, but they are scared to go to the police station.
00:56What will they say to the male staff there? Will they ask us questions?
01:00So, by opening the women's prison, they will get a good opportunity to come here and talk to us.
01:05And I believe that they will solve their problems from here.
01:09It was a very important topic.
01:12It was also the topic of the announcement letter of the Maharashtra People's Party's election.
01:16It was said very clearly that if the government is formed as a woman's protector,
01:22then women's prisons will be opened in every district.
01:25And starting with another topic of Modi's guarantee,
01:31today, the women's prison has been opened in Kabir Dham.
01:36The department has got the approval of 5 such prisons,
01:41including Jaspur, Raigad, Kabarda, Rajnandgaon, and Jagdalpur.
01:50Soon, women's prisons will be opened in other districts as well.
01:55The prisons are well-equipped.
01:57Today, Kabarda's prison has an S.I.
02:03Under Kabarda's prison, there are 5 more S.I.
02:07There are 22 more S.I.
02:09In total, there are 23 S.I. who are working here.
02:13The foreign government has committed a huge fraud.
02:19Many people are still behind bars.
02:22And the E.D. investigation is still going on.
02:24The E.D. investigated further,
02:28and when they published more articles,
02:31they noticed many topics.
02:33Under this, they have arrested Kawasi Lakma ji.
02:36There are topics of interrogation and arresting as well.
