MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 17/01/2025
00:00It's time for the stock market, the time to focus on the main African stock markets.
00:18Hello everyone.
00:19The Casablanca stock market closed in a balanced manner.
00:21The Mazi increased by 0.01% to 16,081 points, with a strong boost in real estate value.
00:29Residence d'Arsaada drained 59 million dirhams and increased by 9.95%.
00:35And Allianz, which captured the biggest volume of the day, about 63 million dirhams, closed
00:40at a rate of 1.35%.
00:42Marsa Marock took a profit and fell by less than 1.63%, mobilizing 35 million dirhams.
00:49EB Marock experienced a significant rebound of less than 6.26%.
00:53The market activity remains dynamic with a volume of 542 million dirhams.
00:59Small correction on the Tunis boost, but the index remains above 10,000 points.
01:04The new threshold crossed the day before.
01:06The Tunis index closed at a drop of less than 0.38% to 10,061 points.
01:12After a strong open session yesterday, the profit takes flared up.
01:16A very dynamic market took off, with 13,335,000 dirhams recorded.
01:2131 values closed at a drop.
01:23La Banque Atigaray closed at less than 1.76%.
01:26The star of the day was the magazine title, which recorded a selling pressure for profit.
01:32The stock lost less than 7.15% and captured 7,512,000 dirhams.
01:37The SFBT consolidated and closed at less than 0.08%, with a volume of 509,000 dirhams.
01:46A rebound on the regional boost of the UMOA.
01:49The BRVM Composite index recorded an increase of 0.31% to 270.93 points.
01:56The market authorities were in front of the national and international press
02:00to assess the 2024 exercise on Thursday, January 16, 2025.
02:04And it is on the beautiful prospects presented by the Director General of the BRVM
02:08that the market closed with an increase in the leader values, Orange-Côte d'Ivoire and Sonatel.
02:13Orange-Côte d'Ivoire gained plus 0.32% and Sonatel plus 0.63%.
02:19The banking values also supported the general increase.
02:22Ecobank-Côte d'Ivoire gained plus 3.40% and BCC gained plus 2.53%.
02:30That's it for the most recent stock news on the continent.
02:33See you soon to see together the indices that carry Africa's economy in full growth.
02:43Transcription by ESO. Translation by —