MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 28/01/2025
00:00It's time for the stock market, the time to focus on the main African stock markets.
00:19Hello everyone.
00:20The Casablanca stock market is starting the new week on a weak equilibrium.
00:24The Basmazi stock market is up 0.03% to 15,886 points.
00:29The market has been mainly fed by transactions on Residence Dar Saada, 18.7 million dirhams,
00:36and C.I.H. Bank with nearly 15.6 million dirhams and a progression of 3.46%.
00:42Maghreb Oxygene has been illustrated with a progression of 9.98%.
00:47SM Monetik continues its growth and gains 5.56%.
00:52The international oil price seems to be starting a small phase of regression,
00:57which will undoubtedly have an impact on the rest of the value chain,
01:01with a certain impact on the financial markets.
01:05And the Tunisian stock market is starting the week on a weak equilibrium.
01:09The Tunis index dropped 0.32% to 10,208 points.
01:14Artes, which had supported an increase in the index at the end of last week,
01:17is one of the main values justifying the fall of the day.
01:21ARTES yields 1.96% with 19,419 traded shares.
01:27The Tunisian Atigari Bank also closed in the red, yielding 2.99% and drained the main volume of the day.
01:34The BIAT share slipped by 0.91%.
01:38The strongest recession of the day was recorded on the Monoprix share, which receded by 3.84%.
01:45The regional stock market of Liémois recorded a very good session,
01:49with its reference index, the BRVM Composite, which gained 0.82% to 276.31 points.
01:56Corisbanque International and Sonatel were the most dynamic values.
02:00Corisbanque mobilized 142 million francs CFA and progressed by 0.05%.
02:07On its side, Sonatel recorded 113 million francs CFA with an increase of 1.22%.
02:13Palmsy went up again following a small buying pressure.
02:17The share gained 3.67%.
02:20SOGB Côte d'Ivoire ended unchanged.
02:22The company announced a 86% profit at the end of 2024,
02:27which makes us hope for even more jittery dividends,
02:30a prospect that should boost the course of the share market in the coming weeks.
02:35That's it for the main news on the continent.
02:39See you soon for the latest on Africa's economy.