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MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 30/01/2025


00:00It's time for the stock market, it's time to focus on the main African stock markets.
00:18Hello everyone.
00:19The price of oil continues to fall internationally and the reaction is perceptible on the financial
00:25In Morocco, the Casablanca stock market recorded a sixth consecutive rise.
00:29The Mazi passed the 16,000 points mark, the index progressed from 1.22% to 16,107 points.
00:36An ambient optimism is felt on the market which recorded 499 million dirhams.
00:42Maroc Telecom still dominates the exchanges, the stock progresses by 4.20% with a volume
00:48of 81 million dirhams.
00:50The stock is highly recommended for purchase with a potential for progress of 30% according
00:55to analysts.
00:56Delta Holding capped 70 million and is barely 0.07%.
01:01Tijari Wafaa Bank capped 54 million and is progressing by more than 2.07%.
01:07The Tunisian stock market is very excited and closes high.
01:11The Tunindex gains more than 0.36% and is established at 10,227 points.
01:16Investors have debited nearly 18,669,000 dinars.
01:21The magazine title has been the most dynamic with a volume of 8,820,000 dinars.
01:26The magazine stock progresses by more than 0.14%.
01:29Amen Bank has also been very dynamic with a volume of 6,446,000 dinars, but the stock
01:35knows a decline of less than 0.26%.
01:38Assad and Esukna have been the most efficient.
01:41Assad progresses by more than 4.41% and Esukna progresses by more than 4.22%.
01:48And the regional stock market of UEMOA aligns a new increase.
01:53The BRVM Composite has improved by more than 0.18% to 278.65 points.
01:59The most significant exchanges are held by the titles Orange Côte d'Ivoire and Sonatel.
02:04Orange Côte d'Ivoire mobilizes 93 million francs CFA and Sonatel 75 million.
02:09However, these two values ​​remained unchanged during the session.
02:13The title Société Générale de Côte d'Ivoire is negotiated at a total of 20,500 francs CFA
02:18after an increase of more than 2.37%.
02:21The specialist of quincaillerie, Bernabé Côte d'Ivoire, reaches a peak of 1,050 francs CFA
02:26and achieves the strongest increase of the day, plus 5% of progression.
02:30The stock should know a series of profit takes in the next few days,
02:34enough to fold the course of the stock for a few sessions.
02:38Voilà, pour l'essentiel de l'actualité boursière sur le continent,
02:41on se dit à très vite pour voir ensemble les indices qui portent l'économie de l'Afrique en pleine croissance.