• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Al via l’edizione 2025 del Vicenzaoro January - The Jewellery Boutique Show, la manifestazione di Italian Exhibition Group che si conferma polo d’eccellenza per l’industria del lusso. In svolgimento a Vicenza fino al 21 gennaio, la manifestazione quest’anno mette al centro il passaggio generazionale in azienda e le opportunità lavorative nell'industry. Vicenzaoro January - Crafting the Future si pone infatti l’obiettivo di ridefinire il futuro della gioielleria, valorizzando le nuove generazioni e promuovendo un dialogo intergenerazionale che coniughi tradizione e innovazione.


00:00On Friday, January 17, the new edition of Vicenza Oro January will open.
00:09Until January 21, the best of Made in Italy production and international excellence will
00:14present new products and collections and launch the trends of jewelry not to be missed.
00:19The jewelry boutique show, refinery and watchmaker's shop sees the presence of over 1,300 brands
00:24from 30 countries around the world and a program of 21 events that add to the business activities
00:30between exhibitors and buyers.
00:32We believe a lot in Vicenza, we are really doing everything to make sure that this becomes
00:37the home, not only Italian, but the Italian door to bring the wealth of our country
00:43all over the world.
00:45The territorial investments, even those that will arrive at high speed, with also advantages
00:51with air connections, leads us to think that Vicenza can have a bright future to have
00:58this role, basically to protect the wealth of Italian jewelry, of the Italian
01:06Oro factory and also defending it in some way from foreign attacks that are always present.
01:14The opening ceremony saw the presence of the institutions, including the president of
01:18the Veneto region, Luca Zaia, the president of the province of Vicenza, Andrea Nardin,
01:23the mayor of Vicenza, Giacomo Possamai and the vice-minister of business of Made in Italy,
01:28Valentino Valentini.
01:30This fair represents an appointment that has now become a classic, 71 years, shows how
01:35the fair system is able to push and carry on Made in Italy, adapting to new needs,
01:42a world that, especially after Covid, is looking for experience and values, sustainability,
01:47quality and price.
01:48This is offered by Vicenza, by Vicenza Oro, which is linked to the territory and the link
01:53between the product and the territory is the key of Made in Italy that we must protect
01:58and that gives our characterisation.
02:01The sector is experiencing a positive moment in the first 10 months of 2024.
02:05In 2024, the profits of the industry are 5.8% higher, with a more dynamic export
02:12than the domestic market.
02:14As for the expectations for 2025, 47.5% of companies expect a stability in business volume
02:21compared to 2024, 31.2% expect a worsening, while the equity residue of 21.3% has a positive sentiment.
02:31The share of the oil refinery is about 10.8 billion in 2023.
02:38From January to September 2024, we have already reached the value of 2023, so a plus 37%,
02:49so it is confirmed that this sector is pulling.
02:53We also see that the Veneto share, which is very important, is about 2.1 billion,
03:00which naturally means that we express about 20% of what is produced in Italy.
