• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Vogliamo che Vicenza diventi la porta italiana per mostrare la ricchezza del nostro paese in tutto il mondo". Lo ha detto ai microfoni dell’Adnkronos Maurizio Ermeti, presidente Ieg (Italian Exhibition Group), a margine della giornata inaugurale di Vicenzaoro January 2025. Tra i temi al centro del boutique show della gioielleria, oreficeria e orologeria di Italian Exhibition Group, in svolgimento a Vicenza fino al 21 gennaio, il passaggio generazionale in azienda e le opportunità lavorative nell'industria del lusso.


00:00We believe a lot in Vicenza, we are doing everything to make sure that this becomes the house, not only Italian, but the Italian door to bring the wealth of our country all over the world.
00:18Real estate investments that have already begun and that we trust to be able to inaugurate in September 2026, but above all investments in the continuous innovation of this fair, which continues to have an unparalleled quality compared to the great global competitors we have.
00:431,300 exhibitors this year, more than 40% are from international exhibitors, this means that this is a fair in good health.
00:55The territorial investments, even those that will arrive with high speed, with advantages with air connections, leads us to think that Vicenza will have a bright future to have this role, to protect the wealth of Italian jewellery, of the Italian gold manufacturing and also defending it in some way from foreign attacks that are always present.
