• 2 months ago
ఎన్నికల్లో అనూహ్య విజయం అందించిన అందరికీ ధన్యవాదాలని కేంద్ర హోం మంత్రి అమిత్ షా తెలిపారు. ప్రకృతి విపత్తుల సమయంలో ఎన్డీఆర్‌ఎఫ్‌ సేవలు అనిర్వచనమని అన్నారు. గత ప్రభుత్వం రాష్ట్రాన్ని ఏ విధంగా ధ్వంసం చేసిందో అందరికీ తెలిసిందేనని పేర్కొన్నారు. అప్పటి సర్కార్ చేసిన ధ్వంసం మానవ విపత్తుకు సంబంధించిందని, వాటి నుంచి రక్షించేందుకు ఎన్డీయే వచ్చిందని అమిత్​షా వివరించారు. కృష్ణా జిల్లా కొండపావులూరులో ఎన్డీఆర్‌ఎఫ్‌ ఆవిర్భావ వేడుకల్లో పాల్గొన్న ఆయన రాష్ట్రాభివృద్దిపై కీలక ప్రసంగం చేశారు.


00:00Sir, regarding our state, you are always positive, but 2014 bifurcation, 2019 change of government,
00:102019-24, lot of destruction, it is as a matter of fact, as you rightly mentioned, irreparable,
00:17but under your support, we are confident we'll come over the crisis and also we'll make Andhra
00:24Pradesh up for other states, sir.
00:26We are confident.
00:27State, as on election, sir, wasn't in ventilator.
00:31Now, you gave very good, as a doctor, you gave oxygen, now we are out of ventilator,
00:39We are still patients, but out of ventilator.
00:42But recent decisions, sir, you have given some of the very good, this thing, one is
00:48Amaravati, 15,000 crore support.
00:51Today, works are going on.
00:54This will become people's capital.
00:56This centre is helping us in a big way, but some more hand-holding is required from centre,
01:04Give some hand-holding till we revive and we'll contribute for the nation building.
01:08That is our commitment.
01:09Sir, only one thing I want to request you, apart from financial, all these things you
01:14have seen now, Godavari, Krishna, we are able to link it to rivers.
01:18We wanted to link Godavari to Penna, Polavaran to Banagacharla.
01:23If we won't do now, we may not do forever.
01:26Cost of excavation, and it is impossible in future to complete.
01:30So my request to Honorable Prime Minister, find a way, we are also working, even different
01:36models we are working, public-private partnership also, then private partners will, one or two
01:41private partners will help, and government will invest, finally we'll repay that money,
01:45wealth will be created.
01:47So that is one project I am requesting, Honorable Home Minister to help us.
02:21I would like to have a special mention, sir.
02:23This is about how you saved the state with your guidance.
02:27We came to you, you stood by us, and today we are extremely grateful to you, I take this
02:32occasion to thank you for allowing us, for granting us to let the steel plant thrive,
02:37and we are truly, truly grateful, sir, and truly grateful to you, and all the support
02:42in all these years, I mean, ever since six months, the last six months, the kind of support
02:48was given to the state, it is, we are truly, truly grateful, and we will stand by you,
02:54whatever you say, we will take it forward, including at a panchayat level, disaster management,
03:03people preparedness, we will take forward your suggestions, sir, and we will take it
03:07forward, we will make every gram panchayat, there is a great amount of disaster preparedness
03:12will be there, and we will develop that force, and we will take the help of this institute,
03:18and we will take it forward, sir.
03:19Thank you and Jai Hind, sir.
