• il y a 2 mois
Vidéos : @UCI_CX

Après une pause la semaine dernière avec les différents Championnats nationaux, la Coupe du Monde UCI de cyclo-cross fait son retour ce dimanche à Benidorm en Espagne, théâtre de la 10e manche du circuit mondial. Après les différentes épreuves Juniors et Espoirs ce matin, c'était au tour des Elites Femmes de s'affronter sous le beau soleil espagnol, et à l'issue des six tours à parcourir, la victoire est revenue à la maîtresse des lieux, Fem van Empel ! Déjà lauréate des deux premières éditions (2023, 2024) sur ce circuit atypique et rapide sur lequel il est difficile de faire de grosse différence, la championne du monde néerlandaise a réalisé la passe de trois et reste invaincue en Espagne, faisant preuve d'une belle maîtrise tactique au terme d'un scénario de course très fermé pour faire parler sa puissance au sprint et dominer sa grande rivale, Lucinda Brand (Baloise Glowi Lions).


00:00to the base at the bottom now this is that turn to see basically go through schreiber comes with
00:08that it's the squeeze and that is a big old squeeze in there and that was between sarah
00:14cassasola chopping in into fourth position no way big slide on the way round you could hear the tires
00:23go i think i'll just put my heart back where it's meant to be what say she does get back up and who
00:29wins from uh always cassasola is trying to ride across here look at this this is a great ride by
00:35her we'll come back to that but boss is now left chasing by herself it's sarah cassasola who is
00:40trying to ride across that group solo fantastic ride by her so the three riders up front did a
00:46751 which is about five seconds four or five seconds faster than the previous laps um and i
00:51think the question is going to be who can do another one um right so at the front braun and
00:56like i said continues to be the one that's going to drive the pace she's the one that's not afraid
01:00to go out there and do this but we will see how this comes together this is the unusual dusty
01:06dry sunny one in benidorm with people making their way away from the beach to enjoy some
01:10world-class cyclocross and they've been treated to it so far another brilliant women's race here
01:14in its third edition but there's only one woman who's ever won here and she's riding in second
01:18place right now jeremy's pick for the win on this final lap this is a massive group though
01:25to be coming to the finish jeremy they have to sort this out ten van empel going for the drops
01:30there then choosing to go back to the hoods i think she was thinking of something there but
01:33these straights aren't quite long enough to be able to wind it up in that way we're back onto
01:38the barriers is anyone going to try and jump them no everyone dismounting together at the moment
01:42this is our leading group of five mariana vos on the back of it marie schreiber the luxembourg
01:46champion in the middle then van empel the double world champion now starts to lift it again can she
01:51drop people off the ground boss is gapped but it's still a chance for her to come back in we're now
01:55coming into dive bomb city in the last part of the course here who's going to try it surely someone is
02:01maybe marie schreiber up the inside then van empel needs are they going to come across the line in
02:05this order let's watch them feminine four looks back lucinda brown had an opportunity here look
02:13at the speed of them through these corners as well kicking up the dust then van empel now goes
02:17for the drops i think this is it i think this is now the big drive for the line we've seen the brand
02:21has gone for the drop two we're going to see a sprint between these two and it could be very even
02:25they come off the final left-hander what does brand got to come off the wheel of them but ample
02:29what a race we've seen the world champion lead she's never been beaten here is it going to happen
02:33today no it's not going to happen today she has won every edition of the benidorm world cup and
02:40with two weeks to go to those world championships in liban in france
02:44mark your card because the world champion is back on top
