• last month
00:00In the house of Sampdoria, last in the standings, still looking for the first win in the championship.
00:06The Milan of Susan Bacher to win and return to three points after the home draw in the cup against Fiorentina from Genoa.
00:17A dear greeting and good fun from Francesco Specchia.
00:21Rubio, Sorelli, it looks like he's going to kick. He tries.
00:26Pushed to the right, then Dompik. High kick, but Tampieri, goodbye.
00:33Sorelli from 35 meters.
00:38Nanno, Baldi, no change. The same 22 on the green rectangle.
00:44He warms up some of the bench, as you can see now. Ball in.
00:47Fallico, incredible. Sampdoria pass to 35 seconds of the second half.
01:00Renzotti, who really lowers this average.
01:04Rubio from the limit.
01:06Paratona of Tampieri, who stretches, puts his fingers and closes the possibility of a draw with an intervention that is worth a Euro goal.
01:17Colombo, closes the triangle with number 7, just entered.
01:23The ball is inside. Incredible Fallico, touches the double.
01:30The midfielder of the quantity of Sampdoria.
01:33Arrigoini, opens with the tip of his foot for Coivisto.
01:40Cercata Ije, controls well.
01:43Ije, ball.
01:46To stop Evelina Ije's cheer. Great ball for the Swedish.
01:52Arcangeli from Peruta.
01:55The speed of Arcangeli is a factor.
01:57Attention, Arcangeli in the penalty area.
02:00PigĂ  tries to close, arrives at the Sampdoria double.
02:03Sampdoria, who incredibly finds the 2-0 in what was the perfect game of Sampdoria.
02:10Heart, grit, union, sacrifice and restart.
02:16On the goalkeeper, Tampieri with his fists.
02:19PigĂ  tries to turn it.
02:21Carcesca with his head!
02:23Offside by Carcesca.
02:26And when he plays, he always scores.
02:28It's always dangerous, I've shown it here.
02:31Raise the flag.
02:35Ball in the penalty area.
02:37Great hook by Marinelli who turns.
02:39The cross by Marinelli, then Carcesca.
02:42And the goal of Milan arrives to shorten the distances, again with the usual Carcesca.
02:48He enters and always scores.
02:51Sampdoria 2, Milan 1.
02:55But it's not in the air.
02:58Nadiem, again for Carcesca.
03:00Carcesca turns the ball.
03:03The third wood of the game.
03:05Tornado by Nicola Carcesca.
03:07Cernoia proposes.
03:11Carcesca in the middle of 4.
03:13He manages to manage an impossible ball.
03:15PigĂ !
03:18For the equalizer of Milan.
03:20At the 90th minute, Carcesca again.
03:23Carcesca in the middle of 4.
03:25He manages to manage an impossible ball.
03:27Then PigĂ  arrives.
03:29Sampdoria 2, Milan 2.
03:31Izet makes Stokic run.
03:34It's broken now at the 96th minute.
03:37Double intervention.
03:39There is no penalty.
03:41Sampdoria celebrates and ends here.
03:45Sampdoria steals a point.
03:47Milan ends 2-2.
03:49Greetings from Francesco Specchia.
03:53See you soon.
