00:00Welcome to Mojo Plays and today we're having some fun and speculating wildly.
00:12True or not, there's no denying that these are very fun to talk about.
00:15These are 10 Elden Ring theories that might be true.
00:19There have already been arguments for and against a lot of these so whether or not you
00:22believe it, let a little whimsy into your heart and join me for this journey, or jump
00:27in a lake of rock.
00:28Before we continue, we publish content all week long so be sure to subscribe and ring
00:32the bell to get notified of our latest videos.
00:36Naming Torrent
00:42There is no tool in Elden Ring that is more appreciated than your trusty horse-slash-goat-slash-angel-slash-best
00:48friend Mount Torrent.
00:49I think it's possible I use Torrent more than I use my flask of crimson tears.
00:53The controls and movement of Torrent are highly responsive and smooth, and there was clearly
00:58a lot of time put into making Torrent as useful as possible, but turns out his name might
01:03have been more practical than creative.
01:05While the mount's name has a cool ring to it, some fans speculate that the developers
01:09named the horse Torrent as a clever tactic to deter piracy via Torrent-sharing sites.
01:15The idea is both simple and ingenious, searching Elden Ring Torrent is more likely to lead
01:19to information about the horse rather than illegal copies of the game, which if true
01:23is one of the most clever things I've seen in a video game in 30 years.
01:33Mileena's Origin
01:43This is one of those fan theories that has been built upon some truly solid info with
01:46some players thinking duh it's obvious.
01:49While it seems obvious when all of the information is gathered, there is never anything 100%
01:54solid to label Mileena's origin, leading players to speculate from contextual information
01:58that she is Mesmer's sister.
02:00We know for sure that they're both children of Marica's, but in Elden Ring that can mean
02:04more than the simple version of siblings that we understand.
02:08The idea that they are siblings stems from the potential thematic connections with Mileena's
02:12ties to the Urchry and guidance of the Tarnished, paralleling Mesmer's speculated role as an
02:16enforcer of order through force.
02:19Fans point to possible parallels in their names and symbolic duality, Mileena represents
02:24sacrifice and renewal while the Impaler implies punishment and finality.
02:29They contrast so much that it seems intentional, or unrelated but that's no fun.
02:40End Game Gravity
02:54First of all to understand this theory you have to accept a totally separate theory.
02:57Don't question it, just accept this for the fun of speculation.
03:00Elden Ring is a prequel to the Souls games.
03:02Got it?
03:03Accepting that as fact?
03:05A fan theory on Reddit building on this previous theory humorously suggests that Elden Ring's
03:09end game strengthens gravity, making jumping nearly impossible without special preparation
03:13like in the Souls games.
03:15While this theory is mostly light hearted, it has one intriguing piece of evidence, the
03:19noticeable lack and or difficulty in jumping in the earlier Souls titles.
03:23If these games are connected to Elden Ring this could imply a significant change occurred
03:26to the world's physics.
03:28Though speculative, it's just a bit of bloody fun, which doesn't mean it's false.
03:36Maiden Killer
03:44At the start of the game, in the Chapel of Anticipation we encounter the lifeless body
03:48of a maiden.
03:49Some players theorise that she was meant to be our character's maiden.
03:52Shortly after emerging in Limgrave we meet White Mask Vare, who comments on our maiden-less
03:57state and directs us towards Stormvale Castle.
04:00Vare, a manipulative and widely disliked character among players who follow his questline, is
04:05suspected by some to have killed our maiden.
04:08Evidence supporting this theory includes his suspicious knowledge of her fate and his presence
04:12at the beginning.
04:13His questline even involves sacrificing a maiden, adding weight to this super dark possibility.
04:18This is like CSI.
04:29Elden Ring is Reality
04:37Now this theory has had a nice bow wrapped around it already, but it was so important
04:40to the player-slash-game connection that it feels worthwhile talking about.
04:45Fan curiosity is sometimes deliberately rewarded by game designers, but more often fans uncover
04:50truths inadvertently.
04:52Before Elden Ring's release, a popular theory suggested that the Elden Ring represented
04:56the very concept of reality within the game's universe.
04:59According to this theory, the Elden Ring was the foundation of life, death and rebirth,
05:03central to the game's story.
05:05This idea was nearly spot on.
05:07In the game, the Elden Ring indeed governs existence, encompassing death, immortality
05:11and the mechanics of the world.
05:13The quest to restore the shattered Elden Ring drives the entire plot, validating the fans'
05:17early speculation, almost entirely.
05:32Painted World Theory
05:33Paintings hold a notable role in Elden Ring and other Soulsborne games, even though some
05:37players in Elden Ring may have never even interacted with them.
05:41In Elden Ring, they serve as collectibles that guide players to hidden rewards when
05:44the depicted locations are found.
05:46However, there may be a deeper link between the Lands Between and the Dark Souls universe
05:50through the concept of paintings.
05:52In the conclusion of Dark Souls 3's Ringed City DLC, the Painting Woman begins creating
05:57a new world using the blood of the Dark Soul.
06:00This theory speculates that this new world might eventually become the Elden Ring world,
06:04the Lands Between, bridging the two universes in a symbolic way.
06:08This is as fun as a fan theory gets, really.
06:11Branching Endings
06:12Strap in, Elden Ring offers six possible endings, each leaving the world in a unique state.
06:30Among them, three endings have sparked speculation among Soulsborne fans as potential preludes
06:35to other games in the series.
06:37Some fans suggested thematic connections between these endings and the earlier Soulsborne titles.
06:41The Frenzied Flame ending, which annihilates the Golden Order, is theorized to set the
06:46stage for the undead seen in Dark Souls.
06:48The Age of Stars ending, with its focus on lunar magic and the moon replacing the Earth
06:52Tree, is theorized to set the stage for Bloodborne.
06:55Lastly, the Destined Death ending, while a subtler link, is theorized to set the stage
06:59for Demon's Souls.
07:00Can you connect the other endings with other FromSoftware games?
07:04Have a crack, it's fun.
07:14Spirits of Children
07:23The Land Between is filled with big evil assholes and lovely little friends.
07:28Some monsters attack the tarnish on sight, others bail pretty damn quick and some remain
07:32indifferent unless provoked.
07:34Among these are the floating jellyfish scattered across the world, which may have particularly
07:38dark backstories.
07:39Some players may have discovered small graves linked to the spirit ash jellyfish Aurelia
07:44and her sister, suggesting these creatures could be the reincarnated spirits of children
07:48who perished in the Lands Between.
07:50With this haunting possibility in mind, it might be worth reconsidering before attacking
07:54these serene jellyfish for their small rune rewards.
07:58Or hit them harder, I don't know how you feel about dead kids.
08:00Jesus, that's dark even for me.
08:15The Divine Towers
08:20The map of Elden Ring is vast, with most cities and key locations placed in asymmetrical organic
08:26patterns, except for the six Divine Towers.
08:29Those damn towers.
08:31Players are still trying to find hidden secrets amongst those towers, but think about this.
08:36These towers are precisely positioned, and drawing a line between them leads to a specific
08:40point in the centre of the map.
08:42This central location is weirdly currently obscured by a large cloud.
08:47Fans are eagerly speculating about FromSoftware's future plans for Elden Ring, and this hidden
08:52location could be setting the stage for intriguing storylines, possibly in their future DLC?
08:57We'll see.
08:58Rani's Plans
09:07Rani the Witch, the former Shardbearer of the Elden Ring, is a central character in
09:12the game.
09:13She has a deep questline that reveals much about her and the world's history.
09:16However, she may have played a more significant role in the events of The Shattering than
09:20she admits.
09:21According to a theory that has circulated on Reddit, Rani could have been the catalyst
09:25for the chain of events that led to the Elden Ring's destruction.
09:28The theory suggests that in defiance of the greater will, she ended her own life to break
09:32free from the influence of her great ruin, and she attempted to deliberate other Shardbearers,
09:36ultimately contributing to the Shattering.
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