• 2 months ago
00:00You know the one part of advice if I was going to talk to Ben today, I would tell him this guys
00:05After I got the Bears job
00:07I went out and played golf with coach Chuck know who had just retired from the Steelers and on every hole
00:14You know, I'm right. I had a question for him a different question
00:18He told me at the end. We're sitting there having a beer afterwards and he says Dave. I'm going to tell you one thing
00:24When you take this job as the head coach, you're gonna see holes and in Luke's in the dam
00:30Oh god, I got this on special teams. I got this with my offensive line. I can't get to the passer on defense
00:37But he says stop right there
00:39Why did you get this job?
00:42And I told I got the job because of my defensive expertise and the history, you know
00:46All the years I've been calling defenses and damper
00:48And he says keep the main thing the main thing you go in there and you focus
00:53Every ounce of energy you've got on doing the best job with that bears defense as you can and and I'm not I'm being humble
00:59But just what we ended up in the top five. I think that we were terrible on offense
01:03But we were top five top ten team in defense
01:06So and he says that's what you got to do and then you move on from there
01:10You can't do everything in one day
01:11So I would tell Ben Johnson the same thing Ben you were hired here for your offensive and quarterback
01:18expertise put
01:19Everything you got into that and you will have time to get if the offense clicks and Caleb's goes on
01:25We'll fix these other things, you know
01:27So don't think you're going to do everything and don't try to do everything
01:31You know right off the bat because it's physically impossible to do so
01:35I I really that would be I was thinking about that last night if I was going to talk to him
01:40What would I tell him and and I think that would be the first thing that would come to mind keep the main thing the
01:45Main thing why you got hired and with their fans and with ownership. What do they expect to see out of you?
