• 2 months ago
With Dry January coming to a close, you could be struggling to resist the call of alcohol, having survived 21 days up to now. To help you over the line, here is a rundown of some of Manchester’s best low/no alcohol offerings.


00:00Hi and welcome to Manchester World, I'm Theo Houston-Vets and today we're talking a little bit about Dry January.
00:04Let's talk a little bit about the process of making non-alcoholic beer, because there are two ways to do it.
00:08The first is not feeding the yeast, not giving it the ability to ferment, which is where you get 0.0% beers from.
00:15The process that these companies have taken is brewing the beer quite hot to sort of burn off the excess alcohol.
00:20Now I've popped out to Bondo Bust, which is just around the corner, to buy their range out.
00:25And this is what they had in terms of local beers, with one of the country's most popular non-alcoholic lagers here as well, just for a comparison.
00:32Lucky Saint is brewed in Bavaria, and it's sort of taken the nation over this year, as Dry January has become bigger, this has become a really popular choice.
00:41Flavour-wise, it's delightful, it's perfectly sort of fresh, smooth, refreshing, exactly what you want a lager to be.
00:49Now, on to Fell Brewery, and this is their Beck, their low-alcohol pale.
00:56But in terms of flavour profile, genuinely really, really enjoyable.
00:59Really light, really citrusy.
01:01Now, Track Brewery is one of my favourite places to go to in Manchester, I think the atmosphere is amazing.
01:06And this is their Sonoma AF, Sonoma being sort of their headline beer.
01:13The thing that you're noticing is there isn't something missing from these.
01:17Usually, you know, it used to be that you were drinking alcohol-free beer and you would feel like it's missing something, like there's something not quite right.
01:23Whereas these just feel like genuinely enjoyable drinking experiences.
01:27Now finally, this creation from Cloudwater and Bundabust, it's a collaboration between the pair of them.
01:36It's got these wonderful sort of explosions of flavour that appear sort of all over your mouth.
01:41It's really complex, and it's really, really good.
01:44So if you are doing Dry January, don't fear, we're in the final stretch now, you've done amazing up to this point.
01:49If you've got the urge to have a beer, turn to one of these amazing breweries that are based in and around Manchester.
01:55It's well worth a try, and you never know, they might just enter your rotation even after January is done.
