00:00Sir, the drone friction that is being given by the RACI department to the youth is a big step in the direction of employment.
00:07What policy has been made by the department so that they get benefits?
00:12See, every year we make an application on the portal for registration.
00:17In which all the unemployed youth who have a metric pass and passport
00:23and they wish to take drone training,
00:28if they are a member of any FPO or CHC,
00:32Customary Center or Farmer Produce Organization,
00:36they can participate in this training program.
00:40They can go to the portal of the RACI department and register.
00:43In which they can get a copy of the metric,
00:45copy of the passport
00:48and if they have a certificate of membership,
00:54that they work in FPO or CHC,
00:59they will be recommended and then they can apply.
01:03After applying, we will provide them free training in Karnal and Gurugram.
01:11Training lasts for 15 days.
01:13Drone can be operated at any height,
01:15how to do mapping,
01:17how to spray medicines,
01:20nano fertilizers, nano urea, DAP.
01:25And this is a very technical work.
01:29In this, training is given within 15 days and then it is put in the field.
01:35We have also given instructions to two or three companies by the government
01:40to provide drone training to them.
01:45After training, they are provided with a drone.
01:49There is also a concept of drone delivery.
01:51In every district, two or three women are also given a drone.
01:55This is a very good step in the direction of employment by the government.
02:01Many people are moving in this direction.
02:04Farmers also have to say that this spray gives very good accuracy.
02:10It is a one-shot spray.
02:12And whatever spray you are doing,
02:16it seems to have an immediate effect.
02:20And this work is done only after training by experts.
02:27And that drone pilot is done with him.