• 20 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - "È evidente che siamo impegnati a tutto campo, sia nella prevenzione che nella sordità del neonato con la rete audiologica. Siamo soddisfatti che un'azienda privata abbia voluto investire sulla nostra struttura per darci l'opportunità di avere una tecnologia all'avanguardia che è stata provata per la prima volta in Italia proprio nel nostro ospedale”. Lo afferma il Direttore generale dell’Asl Città di Torino, Carlo Picco, parlando della nuova tecnica di chirurgia robotica otologica di precisione utilizzata presso la struttura semplice Audiologia impianti cocleari dell’ospedale Martini di Torino.


00:00So we are very satisfied that a company wanted to invest in our structure to give us the opportunity to have an avant-garde technology
00:13that has been tested for the first time in Italy, right in our hospital.
00:19I must say that the case study of Martini's audiology structure is a very important case study
00:28because it has surpassed 1,000 cases last year, so it is one of the main in Italy.
00:35It is evident that we are committed to the whole field, we are committed to the prevention of both the deafness of the newborn
00:42with the Piedmontese audiological network, with our center that goes on the field for early diagnosis,
00:50but we are also committed to prevention.
00:54The WHO estimates that there will be a doubling of deafness cases in the world in the coming years,
01:03a little for the aging of the population, of course, but also for a whole series of exposures and acoustic pollution.
01:11This pathology can be prevented and therefore ASL also takes to the field on secondary prevention, which we consider to be a fundamental element.
