• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "La possibilità offerta dalla Link Campus University di partecipare a un evento come il TEDx dimostri quanto siamo giovani dentro e vogliamo metterci alla prova ogni giorno, alla Link University, per portare questo messaggio: se viviamo con ottimismo, passione, curiosità e impegno, possiamo fare veramente la differenza nella nostra società”. Così, Elisabetta Mantuano, professoressa di Patologia e Immunologia presso la Link Campus University e delegata del rettore alla Ricerca, nel corso della prima edizione di TEDxLinkCampusUniversity, organizzato dall'Ateneo romano  in collaborazione con Scai Comunicazione e Rome Future Week. Tema dell’evento è ForeverYoung, che invita a riconsiderare la longevità come uno stato mentale e uno stile di vita da promuovere da giovani.


00:00What is longevity?
00:04Longevity today I will deal with both from a scientific point of view,
00:08talking to you about what are in fact the biological characteristics
00:11that characterize cellular aging,
00:15but above all from the point of view of our mentality,
00:20of how we choose to live, which can influence,
00:23both as has been shown by numerous scientific research in the Blue Zones,
00:28that the mentality and the choices we make every day in our lives
00:32influence not only our longevity,
00:37but our quality of life, how we will age and how we will face,
00:42how we will build our future.
00:44I have lived in the United States for almost 20 years since 2007,
00:48in fact I am an Italian-American,
00:50I also have American citizenship,
00:52and for me, as I see it, it is a great opportunity,
00:55an important showcase for Link University,
00:57also in the field of internationalization.
00:59TEDx is an event that has been known in the United States for many years,
01:04from the opportunity to express, to disseminate science,
01:09even to people who are not directly in the scientific field,
01:15to give innovative ideas,
01:18as tricks to live life in the best possible way,
01:22using the scientific knowledge and the technology that surrounds us today.
01:26So I believe that the possibility of Link Campus University
01:30to participate in an event like TEDx
01:32shows how young we are inside,
01:36today's theme is Forever Young,
01:38and we want to challenge Link University every day
01:42to bring this message,
01:44that if we live with optimism, passion, curiosity and commitment,
01:49we can really make a difference in our society.
