• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Palazzo dell’Informazione a Roma ha fatto da cornice alla presentazione della seconda edizione dello studio “Ricerca e Innovazione Ict in Italia”, realizzata da Anitec-Assinform in collaborazione con Apre, l’Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea. Il Rapporto ha evidenziato un aumento dell’1,5% nella spesa per R&S intra-muros nel settore Ict, raggiungendo i 2,5 miliardi di euro nel 2022 con quasi la metà della spesa concentrata nel settore del software e dei servizi IT, e un aumento del 7,1% presso le aziende di produzione di hardware. Ritornando ai livelli pre-pandemia, invece, il settore Ict è al primo posto per volume di investimenti nella ricerca e sviluppo intra-muros nel 2022 e si conferma pilastro vitale per la competitività dell’economia italiana.


00:00It was presented in Rome at the Palazzo dell'Informazione, the second edition of the ICT research-innovation report in Italy,
00:13made by Anitech Assinform in collaboration with APRE, the Agency for the Promotion of European Research.
00:19The aim is to improve the competitiveness of the country in the face of the technological challenges that arise globally.
00:26There has already been an improvement if we compare it to the past Quadro program.
00:31The ICT, in its complexity, because it is a very vast world, is growing.
00:37We can do more, of course, we can always do more.
00:41We can certainly aim, imagine, to regain one or two positions compared to the European ranking,
00:46which always sees us around the top 3-4.
00:49The areas are a little more complex, it also depends a lot on the priorities that the Commission sometimes puts aside.
00:57Also in 2022, the ICT sector is a vital pillar for the competitiveness of the Italian economy,
01:03winning first place for the volume of investments in research and development in Tramuros
01:08and projecting the country to the levels of pre-pandemic.
01:11There are data that must make us optimistic.
01:16Last year, Italy was the fourth largest exporter in the world and managed to surpass Japan,
01:23which was a myth of exports 20 years ago.
01:26We have become better than Japan, despite being a country with 60 million inhabitants compared to 120.
01:32But the competition does not end there.
01:35The competition continues and if we want to continue on this competitive path,
01:40we have to enrich our factories of technology, enrich our products of science and technology.
01:47The second part of the Anitech-Assinform relationship offers a detailed analysis of the emerging sector of quantum technologies,
01:55highlighting their revolutionary potential and their centrality for digital evolution.
02:00There are different ones, for example, quantum communications can provide us with absolute security of encrypted communications.
02:08So we send the credit card number for an online purchase and no one can steal it, our medical data and so on.
02:14Quantum sensors will allow us to make great progress in medical diagnostics.
02:20For example, we can measure the activity of a single neuron in real time,
02:24or for magnetic resonance, to have increasingly precise images,
02:29or even in the measurement of time that is used in satellite navigation
02:33to be able to have a precision of centimeters or even millimeters in knowing the position of a car even for autonomous driving.
02:40And many others, in volcanology, for measuring, for example, the prediction of eruptions and earthquakes.
