• 2 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) seharian berada di zona hijau pada perdagangan Rabu (22/1/2025). Sore ini, IHSG ditutup melesat 75,31 poin atau 1,05 persen ke 7.257,13.

Terdapat 280 saham menguat, 326 saham melemah, dan 349 saham stagnan. Transaksi perdagangan mencapai Rp11,5 triliun dari 16,2 miliar saham yang diperdagangkan.


00:00Indah Karga Samkabungan
00:05Indah Karga Samkabungan in the closing of the second session today
00:08was significantly closed at 1.05%
00:11and closed at the level of 7,257.128
00:15and finally Indah Karga Samkabungan was successfully closed
00:18for the first time in 2025
00:21above the level of 7,200
00:24Let's take a look at the first graph
00:26the closing position of several other indexes
00:29such as MNC36, LQ45, and Jakarta Islamic Index
00:33MNC36 experienced a 1.27% increase
00:37Jakarta Islamic Index increased by 2.16%
00:40LQ45 significantly increased by 1.41%
00:44in line with the increase in the Index Price of Indah Karga Samkabungan
00:47The next graph shows the sectoral movement rotation
00:50technology took over the power leadership
00:53Indah Karga Samkabungan increased by 2.54%
00:56infrastructure increased by 2.16%
00:59properties increased by 1.36%
01:02and weak health increased by 0.18%
01:05Let's take a look at the next graph, SAMSAM
01:07which experienced a significant increase
01:09in line with the Index Price of Indah Karga Samkabungan
01:11BMRI increased by 6.150
01:14Medicines increased by 780
01:18Telecom increased by 4%
01:21Today, it also significantly increased by 8.6%
01:24and was included in one of the options
01:27Then, SAMSAM became a heavyweight
01:29PANI increased by 1.382
01:32PTRO increased by 4.020
01:35CBDK decreased by 4.25
01:38according to several polemics that occurred
01:44Java also decreased by 1.905
01:49Update on the closing of the second session
01:51and hopefully it can be a reference for you
01:53especially in dealing with trade tomorrow