• 2 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) berbalik arah ke zona merah pada sesi terakhir perdagangan hari ini, Kamis (23/1/2025). Indeks melemah 24,49 poin atau 0,34 persen ke 7.232,64.

Sore ini, terdapat 255 saham menguat, 335 saham melemah, dan 365 saham stagnan. Transaksi perdagangan mencapai Rp13,1 triliun dari 15,3 miliar saham yang diperdagangkan.


00:05And Indecargasam Kabungan is finally closed in the red zone
00:09by continuing significant strengthening throughout today's auction.
00:14In fact, at the closing of the second session, Indecargasam Kabungan fell by 0.34%
00:19and again left a level of 7,300.
00:22Today's closing level is 7,232.643.
00:27Quite far from today's highest level of intraday at 7,324.626.
00:33Then the opening position this morning at 7,257.1175.
00:40Let's go straight to the next graphic of the auction.
00:43We will see in the middle of the weakness of Indecargasam Kabungan,
00:46what is the position of the closing of several other indexes.
00:50You can watch the graphics on your TV screen.
00:53MNC36 is pressed at 0.46%, Jakarta Islamic Index is weak at 1.34%,
00:59while LQ45 is pressed at 0.31%.
01:04You can watch the graphics on your TV screen.
01:08Closing of several other indexes such as MNC36, Jakarta Islamic Index and LQ45.
01:15Next, the sectoral movement rotation at the closing of IHSG today.
01:21Technology leads the strengthening at 0.56%.
01:25Infrastructure strengthens at 0.33%.
01:28The property still appears to be the heaviest so far,
01:32weakening at 2.95% and steel goods are pressed at 1.06%.
01:39Meanwhile, the stocks that today support Indecargasam Kabungan,
01:44from Energi there is AADI, closed and strengthened at 9,100.
01:48Technology there is Gotoh, closed in the green zone at 86%.
01:52Damperen also strengthened at level 1,000 and Dewa strengthened at Rp. 116 per share.
01:58Meanwhile, the position of the stocks that today become the bearer,
02:03dominated by Samsung Property, JBDK, is pressed at 7,550.
02:09Pani weakens significantly at 1,107 and there is also PTRO at 3,870
02:17and Raja weakens at 3,940.
02:20For Pani, I will try to check again the position of the closing of the second session today.
02:26At Rp. 11,000, at Rp. 11,075 for Pani.
02:32We verified for Pani at Rp. 11,075, not at Rp. 1,175.
02:39Weakening at 19.8%.
02:42Some of the data was collected by our team and again, the decision of the investment
02:47and hopefully it can be a reference for you,
02:49especially in dealing with trading in the coming days.