• 2 months ago
Lucinda Herbert takes a look inside the annual pigeon weekend at Blackpool Winter Gardens.


00:00This is our 49th show in Blackpool, and our 73rd show overall, so you can tell we have
00:06a certain tradition with Blackpool, and that we've been coming here for some considerable
00:10time, and this is an opportunity for pigeon fancies throughout the country and throughout
00:14the world to get together, to socialise, show off their pigeons, have them judged, and to
00:19– and for a bit of competition as well, of course.
00:23There's 37 classes within the show. They range from old pigeons of a certain age, and
00:31we have a class for young pigeons, and we also, when it comes to showing the racing
00:37pigeons, they are judged by the distance that they have flown. There are specific markings
00:43that you can give, like the head, the feathers, the wing, the body, and you can give them
00:49marks for that in a certain way of judging, if you like. But then there's another way
00:56of judging, which is somebody will go and have a look at the pigeons, they'll handle
00:58each one, and they'll see which one they like the feel of. It doesn't have any noticeable
01:04faults. You're racing your pigeons against somebody else's pigeons. So you're always
01:09striving to be better than they are. And that's what makes the competition, because one week
01:15I will be, let's say, and one week another person will be.
