• 2 months ago
Josh McDaniels and Terrell Williams expected in Foxboro Instant reaction? Do you like the moves?
00:00that Josh McDaniels will be the next offensive coordinator of the New England Patriots
00:06and it is that you are going back in time.
00:09You are reliving a period of time that was successful here
00:15but you're not moving forward.
00:17You are Doc Browning your choice when it comes to offensive coordinator here,
00:22which I don't understand.
00:23I mean, I get Shyam's point.
00:24I really don't.
00:25It's about the member berries, that's all. They're just feeding on your nostalgia.
00:28Okay, but the man was very successful.
00:31With Tom Brady.
00:32With Tom Brady, yes.
00:34But why would you suggest that there would be an outcome otherwise when he has Drake May?
00:41Every other place he's ever been, he's stunk or been mediocre at best.
00:48You can do things that clearly you were unable to do with the greatest of all time.
00:56When it comes to RPOs, whatever your design quarterback runs.
01:01The last quarterback he had to do that.
01:03Who was that? Cam Newton.
01:04Where did they rank that year in offense?
01:06Oh yeah, 26th.
01:07I just don't know why you can't let go and just trust Vrabel.
01:11If you've got guys like Bill O'Brien trusting him, saying he's a good offensive coordinator,
01:15you've got guys like Mike Vrabel saying that,
01:17and this is no offense to you, but how does Shyam know better?
01:21I don't know better than Vrabel and Billy O.
01:24This is simply an opinion.
01:25That's all.
01:26They know all those stats.
01:28They know his resume.
01:29I just don't know why Mike Vrabel would set himself up for failure.
01:32I also don't think this is a Vrabel choice though.
01:34I think this is a craft.
01:35That the defensive coordinator is.
01:38Just like with Mayo last year.
01:40To defend Shyam in this regard, if Mike Vrabel said,
01:43I want 15 million a year and Kraft said,
01:46okay, well then we're going to hire McDaniels because he's cheap.
01:49That'll be the deal.
01:50Or if you want 13 million, you can get an extra two.
01:52You know what I'm saying?
01:53This could all be part of a negotiation,
01:55whereas Shyam's goals are not the same as the organization,
01:58which is he just wants the best offense with the best coach and the best players,
02:02whereas it's a business and Kraft is investing in the head coach and saving money with the O.C.
02:06Because did they also, or they're just in talks,
02:10did they also hire the running back coach from the Jets?
02:13Tony Dews.
02:14It looks like he is going to be joining the staff as well, yes.
02:16So if you look at the defensive coordinator, he was with Vrabel in Tennessee,
02:22Vrabel's whole time there.
02:24If you now look at the running back coach, he was with Vrabel in Tennessee.
02:27So Vrabel is starting to bring a lot of these guys, his guys.
02:31And we talked about this last year with Mayo,
02:33Mayo not having the ability to do that on offense.
02:36I just don't think Mike Vrabel would have taken this job if he didn't have a say
02:40in who his coordinators are going to be.
02:43But Curtis, I think Curtis is spot on.
02:47He probably does have a quote-unquote say, but his budget is limited.
02:52These guys that he's signing that used to be his guys don't need to be paid a ton of money.
02:56And then he got a ton of money, and now he can't afford to spend a lot of money
03:00on an offensive coordinator, like a really good one, successful one,
03:03that could be a young, upcoming guy, anybody in the league,
03:06and instead has to cheap out on Josh McDaniel.
03:09It's kind of a slight against Vrabel.
03:10The more you talk, it's saying, okay, so I'm selfish.
03:13I wanted $15 million, so they gave me all of that.
03:16And now I'm screwing the team?
03:18What Bill Belichick did for years.
03:20He took the bulk of the money and then paid his assistants peanuts.
03:24Yeah, I mean, I might be an idiot, but I just don't think that Robert Kraft,
03:29he learned his lesson.
03:31I think he learned his lesson with Gerard Mayo last season,
03:35and I think he is willing, was willing to pay Mike Vrabel essentially what he wanted
03:41and then to put the people around him that Mike Vrabel wanted.
03:44So I think you were right up until that point, Greg.
03:47You're right.
03:48He was willing to pay Vrabel whatever he wanted, but then like, okay, Vrabel,
03:51this is how much you're getting.
03:52Now you're on a budget with your other assistants.
03:54Well, I would ask this question to the room, to be honest,
03:57is if Mike Vrabel's the head coach, right, he's the head coach,
04:02and we would say, would you have, where would you rank Josh McDaniels
04:08before Vrabel even brings up Josh McDaniels?
04:12Where would you rank Josh McDaniels as a Patriots offensive coordinator
04:17and wanting to see him?
04:19Would he have been in your top five?
04:21Are you talking about all time?
04:22No, no, I'm just saying when Vrabel.
04:24I like the familiarity that he has with the organization.
04:28I like that because I think that gives somebody a leg up.
04:31I like the fact that he's done it.
04:33He's done it for a long time.
04:35There were other guys out there that have done it, Greg.
04:37There were other guys out there that have done it before.
04:39You are obsessed with shiny new objects.
04:41I understand that.
04:42Greg, like there's guys out there who have done it before,
04:44like Frank Reich or Chip Kelly.
04:46Like there's other names out there who have done it before.
04:49Boomer's up.
04:50Yeah, exactly, that could have been interviewed.
04:53Instead, they interviewed a 29-year-old in Gabe Udinski
04:58and the Minnesota Vikings,
05:00and then the two guys to basically appease the Rooney rule
05:03in Thomas Brown and Marcus Brady.
05:04Yeah, those were all fake because they knew that they were going to get Josh McDaniels.
05:07Which is the issue, Courtney.
05:09That's what nobody seems to understand.
05:11Okay, but that was the same thing with Vrabel,
05:12and I know you weren't okay with that.
05:14So it's just clear that you aren't happy with the way in which the franchise
05:17has decided to go when it comes to coaching,
05:19and you keep going back to Brady, Brady, Brady.
05:21But we're forgetting that Josh McDaniels and Mack Jones,
05:24even though I hate to say it,
05:25he brought him pretty far his rookie season.
05:27So I just...
05:28With like a top five defense.
05:31I guess I'm asking...
05:32What are we doing?
05:33Greg, let me ask you this.
05:34Mack Jones looked incredible compared to his...
05:37Against a cupcake schedule for like nine weeks
05:40and then was awful in the back half of the season.
05:43Sean, let me ask this question to Greg, Courtney, Curtis.
05:47So when Vrabel gets hired,
05:50do you have McDaniels in your top five wishlist offensive coordinates?
05:57Yeah, I would.
06:00So you would, Courtney?
06:02I would because it's easy.
06:03It's plug and play.
06:05And the less complicated it is...
06:06All right.
06:07...based on every other thing that you got to fix around here,
06:09I would, yeah.
06:11Can I ask how it's plug and play?
06:13Sean, let me ask one more...
06:14I just want a clarification.
06:15Sean, let me say one more thing on this.
06:17So you wanted Josh McDaniels last year with Mayo?
06:22Yes, I would have preferred him to Alex Vrabel.
06:25I'm just asking the question.
06:26Yes, yes, yes.
06:27Can I just ask how it's plug and play?
06:29Like Drake May still needs to learn the new offense, right?
06:32So it's not necessarily plug and play.
06:34It's just a guy that's been here before,
06:37which is, again, my whole point.
06:39And it's like everybody's just obsessed with the member berries.
06:41Like it's like, oh, yeah, Josh McDaniels was here,
06:43and it was great when he was here because Tom Brady was winning everything.
06:46And then when he wasn't and when Tom Brady wasn't here,
06:49and even in Tom Brady's final year, it wasn't that great.
06:52This is Tim from Hanover.
06:54Hello, Tim.
06:56Good morning, guys.
06:57Hey, I just wanted to chime in.
06:59I think Vrabel was a great choice, but the thing is,
07:02the key was the offensive coordinator.
07:04I've always liked McDaniels, but I'll tell you what, he's stagnant now.
07:09He doesn't open up that playbook like a lot of these other guys are doing
07:13in the NFL.
07:14You've got to go with the times, man.
07:17Open this game up, and I think they made a mistake.
07:20If Vrabel is the guy that's limiting the head coach to do what he's got to do,
07:26then they're going backwards again.
07:27They're not going to do what they want, and they're going to have the same issues.
07:30Were there any other guys available in the role who were three-time
07:35Super Bowl winners?
07:36Oh, my God.
07:37Here we go.
07:38Three-time Super Bowl winner thanks to Tom Brady.
07:41What are we doing?
07:43Like what are we doing?
07:44I'm sorry.
07:46Greg, what did he ever win without Tom Brady, ever?
07:49He was not a great head coach.
07:51Or an offensive coordinator.
07:52When he had a stint with the Rams, they canned his ass.
07:55I do think the difficulty for the Gregs of the world is to accept the foundation
07:59of this argument because it goes to the root of the former head coach's success
08:04and failure.
08:05So Josh and Bill have both not been great outside of the first half
08:11of Matt Jones' rookie year, absent the greatest quarterback of all time.
08:16So I think that Josh McDaniels, as Bill Belichick did, learned over time.
08:22I think if Bill was back in the NFL, he would make changes that he may have
08:25learned from his last four years with the Patriots.
08:28And I think Josh is the right hire because he knows everything about this place.
08:32He's someone that is worked with or around the very people that Vrabel has.
08:37I don't think there's going to be a rivalry between those two.
08:40Mike Vrabel is deeply, deeply confident when it comes to running a football team.
08:45And if they spend less money on the O.C., I'm giving them the opportunity
08:50to show me they'll spend more on the players.
08:52If they don't, then we will get on Robert Kraft.
