• 2 months ago
छ्त्तीसगढ़ में नगरीय निकाय चुनाव के घोषणा पत्र के लिए बीजेपी ने जनता से मोबाइल नंबर ईमेल और क्यूआर कोड जारी कर सुझाव मांगा है.


00:30On a local level, we will go in between the people who want to go to the city
00:37On a state level, we will go in between the people who want to go to the city
00:40Because in this state, there is a government of the Indian people, there is a government of Mr. Usman Dev
00:45In the centre, there is a government of ours and a government of Double India
00:51And we will give all the facilities to the cities of this state
01:00We will put all the details of how we brought our Nagrik Centre in the country's image
01:06We will put all the details of how we brought our Nagrik Centre in the country's image
01:12Earlier also we did a poll, you must have seen the results
01:17The cleanliness campaign that was going on in the whole country
01:22In the whole country, our second place was in the whole country
01:27And in some places, we were in the first place in the country in small cities like Bikapur
01:37I don't want to say anything about the elections that took place in the last 5 years
01:45But I believe that in the last 5 years, the destruction of the Nagrik Centre
01:52Now we have to complete the backlog of Double India
01:56How do we complete that as well?
01:59We will talk about this in detail
02:02First of all, I would like to request you to send me the WhatsApp number
02:15I would like to request you again
02:22This will be our WhatsApp number
02:24You can also send me an email by stating the details of this WhatsApp
02:30You can also send me an email
02:35Sujao at vjpcd.com
02:41Sujao at vjpcd.com
02:45I would like to request you all that I have given you the WhatsApp number
02:53You can also send me an email by stating the details of this WhatsApp
02:58I have also given you the email address
03:02You can also send me an email by stating the details of this WhatsApp
03:09We will do whatever we can to complete this
03:14We have made this and we will continue to do this
03:18We will do whatever we can to complete this
03:25There is a lot of time left
03:27I would like to request all of you to send me your suggestions by the evening of 30th
03:36The BJP has taken the elections very seriously
03:45We are the second largest voter in the state elections
03:53But within the democracy
03:58The third election is the local government
04:03This was created after the 73-74 event
04:10The Indian People's Party has taken this decision to strengthen the local government
04:17And for the well-being of the people
04:22I have also published an announcement of this
04:28And on the other hand, if you look at the Congress Party
04:36Which is trying to destroy the local government
04:47A good example of this is that
04:51In the last five years, when the Congress government was also afraid
04:59That we have gone away from the public
05:02They started the indirect elections
05:05After the 36th state was formed, Dr. Raman Singh started the direct elections
05:12The first election was held in 2005
05:15And even at that time, we had issued an announcement
05:21And in every election, when we fought, we issued an announcement
05:26That we will give basic facilities in the cities in exchange for pictures and fate
05:34On that basis, we fought the local elections very seriously
05:41And we will continue to work
