• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Sisal Numera è un assistente virtuale alimentato da intelligenza artificiale generativa e creato per rivoluzionare l’esperienza dei giocatori del SuperEnalotto. Il suo scopo è quello di trasformare il racconto personale dei sogni in numeri significativi, offrendo ai giocatori un modo del tutto nuovo di interagire con il gioco e con la propria immaginazione”. Lo ha detto Valeria Carbone, product innovation director di Sisal, illustrando le potenzialità di Sisal Numera, il sistema di intelligenza artificiale integrato nell’app SuperEnalotto e Giochi che evolve l’antica tradizione della Smorfia napoletana e offre la possibilità di interpretare i sogni e trasformarli in numeri con cui tentare la fortuna.


00:00CISAL NUMERA is a virtual assistant powered by artificial and generative intelligence created to revolutionize the gaming experience of the Super NALOTTO.
00:16Its purpose is to transform the player's personal story into significant numbers, thus offering players a new way of interacting with the game and with their imagination.
00:30With NUMERA, the Super NALOTTO game is not just a matter of numbers, but it becomes a way to explore one's imagination, interweaving new technologies with the cultural richness of tradition.
00:46NUMERA is designed to offer players not only numbers, but also a memorable, engaging and exciting gaming experience.
00:56How does NUMERA work? It works in four main phases. The first is the story phase. The player describes their dream using a natural language, without having to interpret it personally.
01:12The second phase is the dream analysis phase. What does NUMERA do? It examines the player's story and extracts the main elements, such as symbols, themes, key ideas, key words.
01:27In the third phase, NUMERA associates these elements with specific numbers, creating the player's personalized basket. Finally, NUMERA returns the generated numbers with a clear and detailed description of the generated number,
01:50thus making each game session a moment of personalized discovery. It is clear that at this point the player can decide to play the basket generated by NUMERA or choose another one.
02:04NUMERA's innovative aspect lies in the ability to modernize and digitize a traditional ritual. This approach not only preserves the cultural value of the numerical interpretation of the dream, but also renews it,
02:23offering players a more up-to-date, immediate and engaging way of participating. Artificial intelligence applied in this context is not simply a technological engine, but a means to transform the game into an immersive and meaningful experience.
02:44NUMERA becomes a bridge between the past and the future, able to reinterpret traditions with modern tools, adapting them to the needs and languages ​​of an ever more digital generation.
