• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “I fenomeni dell’immigrazione, nel corso dei decenni, sono mutati, ma il nostro Paese resta attrattivo. Rendiamolo ancora più attrattivo, così da rendere questa integrazione anche molto virtuosa, seguendo la cultura del nostro Paese”. Sono le parole di Gabriele Fava, presidente dell’Inps, a margine dell’incontro dal titolo “@Migrazione da fenomeno sociale a fattore identitario” organizzato da Inps e Fondazione Migrantes.  L’incontro è stato occasione per approfondire i temi dei flussi migratori con particolare riferimento alle conseguenze in ambito pensionistico, anche in considerazione dell’impatto della tecnologia nella nuova società digitale.


00:00It is a very important situation to face today, to be faced and to transform it into a positive situation for our country.
00:15That's why I'm bringing forward an idea of qualified integration, qualified and governed, of the extracommunities in Italy.
00:24We know the situation today, in this important meeting they will give current, contextualised data, which will lead more and more to embrace this qualified integration.
00:38And what does it mean in poor words?
00:41We are going to interpret the need of the companies in such a way that they respond with a qualified entry, a qualified workforce, of the extracommunities, therefore these migrants.
00:55I am sure that from this point of view, our legislator is already working and is already moving forward to legislate in this sense.
01:07These phenomena have changed over time, over the decades, but our country remains an attractive country.
01:16Let's make it even more attractive, so that this integration is also a very virtuous integration, following our culture, the culture of our country.
