• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Si è svolto, a Palazzo Wedekind a Roma, l’evento intitolato “@Migrazione da fenomeno sociale a fattore identitario” organizzato da Inps e Fondazione Migrantes, durante il quale si sono approfonditi i temi dei flussi migratori con particolare riferimento alle conseguenze in ambito pensionistico, anche in considerazione dell’impatto della tecnologia nella nuova società digitale. A seguire si è tenuta una tavola rotonda dal titolo: “L’Italia che vogliamo: giovane, dinamica e inclusiva - L’impatto della tecnologia nel mondo del lavoro, nelle nuove migrazioni, in particolare dei giovani e delle donne: uno sguardo al futuro e i possibili effetti sul territorio e sulle pensioni.


00:00In the course of these years, IMSS has worked to strengthen ties with other foreign providential administrations
00:11to guarantee the enforcement of human rights related to the person, of those economic, social and cultural,
00:17including providential and pension protection.
00:20The priority goal for the institute, therefore, is to allow migrant workers to face with serenity the transfer
00:27and the beginning of a new work activity.
00:30This has been discussed in the course of the convention
00:32Migration from social phenomenon to identity factor, organized by IMSS and the Migrantes Foundation.
00:38I am bringing forward an idea of qualified and governed integration of the extra-communities in Italy.
00:46We know the situation today, in this important meeting,
00:51and I am sure that the current, contextualized data will lead more and more to embrace this qualified integration.
01:00And what does it mean in poor words?
01:03We are going to intercept the need of the companies,
01:06in such a way that they respond with a qualified entry,
01:11a qualified workforce of the extra-communities, therefore these migrants.
01:18I am sure that, from this point of view, our legislator is already working and is already moving forward to legislate in this sense.
01:29For the director-general of the pensions of the IMSS, one of the winning features is the Italian contribution system,
01:36which, unlike the retribution system, gives the possibility to choose.
01:40The contribution system is a fundamentally financial system.
01:44It is built on the basis of a contribution amount that is paid,
01:47and it is that which determines the size of the pension,
01:49therefore not the period of registration under a particular management,
01:53as is characterized by the retribution system, but precisely the amount that is paid.
01:59That determines the identity of the pension, and it has no other effects.
02:02Therefore, it is a neutral system compared to the market,
02:05which does not undergo any changes deriving from the employment ratio that can be determined,
02:11but which characterizes and gives the possibility of moving forward.
02:15The retribution system was based on the retribution,
02:19therefore on the last pension,
02:22and it is evident that if the last retribution is lowered, the pension is lowered.
02:26The contribution system is based on the contribution paid,
02:29so it is also possible to have the last lower retribution,
02:32because the amount, even if it is one euro, goes up.
02:35This makes the working activity of the subject extremely flexible.
02:39The contribution system gives the possibility to choose.
02:42I think that this is the great feature of our system.
