• 2 months ago
Bennett chats with Lindsay Pullen, Brand Manager of Master Chef Jr. at Dreams Natura


00:00I love how we're talking about eagles. I feel like we're at home here in Cancun. This is
00:04so nice. Go birds. It's bed at live in Cancun dreams, notura resort and spa. And I'm joined
00:10by Lindsey Poland from Hyatt. And, uh, we've been talking about eagles cause you're, you're
00:14from PA, aren't you? I am. I was born and raised in Ferris Hills and Bucks County. We're
00:19talking like strategy for Sunday against the commanders. I love it. It really, really feel
00:23like home. The amount of go birds I've heard here in Cancun at the airport, right? Oh,
00:27you can find fans absolutely everywhere. I have watched the games from the resorts
00:31in the sports bar. Isn't it amazing? 100% we have infiltrated the whole wide and we're
00:37not mad about it either. No way. We're here for it. Uh, so last night we got here and
00:43we experienced this lovely red carpet event, this collaboration with, you know, uh, master
00:49chef jr. And talk to me about this because the menu unveiling, everything was like top
00:55tier last night. Yeah. Yeah. We had a really great event. So we're super excited. I mean,
00:59it's really a first of its kind kind of collaboration. Um, it's new and exciting for us, for dreams
01:04resorts and spas. So we really think it's bringing an amazing experience, right? For
01:08kids to get out. Oh my gosh, Kira, my daughter, who's four, she was in her glory. I mean,
01:13oh my gosh, they feel so important and so special and they're learning something new
01:17while they're here. Right? So you get the sun, you get the sand, you get the fun. Yeah.
01:20Um, but they're bringing something home with them. Right. Oh my gosh. And she loves to
01:24cook with mommy. Like she loves to bake. So like she was really in her glory. And then
01:28talking to Bryson and Ivy, the former contestants of master chef jr. And they were so sweet
01:33with her. They came right up to her taking photos. Incredible grades, right? Like eighth
01:37graders. Like that blows my mind. Like they're so poised. It's incredible. It really is.
01:42Can I hire you to just be an ambassador? Yes. And their food was delicious. The menu was
01:47amazing. Uh, I know this because Kira normally eats like four or five things and she cleared
01:52her plate last night. Like, this is amazing. Can you guys come here and cook for me at
01:55home? Well, that's, what's really cool about it too. Right? So the kids get the experience
01:58of cooking and they learn the skill, but the parents as well, right? You're able to engage,
02:02right? You taste this menu. It's available to eat at lunch. So you can order off of it.
02:06Right? It's not just for the kids. It's not just for kids. Like we cleared our plates
02:09too. Don't you worry. Mom and dad did. Um, so later on today, uh, since we just got here
02:15last night, like the fun's just starting, we have the mystery box challenge, right?
02:18Tell me about this. Oh, so cool. So the kids actually get to participate in a master chef
02:24junior mystery box challenge, right? So they get to go in, they get to cook, right? They'll
02:29have different ingredients before them and they get to design their own creations. That's
02:32so cool. In this kind of safe space, their creativity can just totally unload and they
02:37can go wild. Um, and then they get a certificate for participating and they get to show mom
02:42and dad, they get the photos. So it's a whole, so cute. Yeah. Kira has been rocking her chef
02:47hat that she made last night at the red carpet event. So she's ready. She's ready for the
02:51mystery box challenge. One of many fun activities, immersive activities for the whole family.
02:56And we're giving away vacations. You know this, right? We want, I'm so excited for people.
03:00We want our family back home in Philly to come join the fun here in Cancun. So you can
03:04enter once a day. It takes like 10 seconds, right? That's worth the 10 seconds. Absolutely.
03:09An investment of time. Come down, join us where it's not eight degrees. It's 70, not
03:15bright, but it's 70 degrees. It's pretty great. Dip your toes in the water, right?
03:18Walk the sand and you get to enjoy, right? No matter who you are, it's worth the 10 seconds
03:22to have an amazing experience. New 90, six, five Philly.com. It's all right there waiting
03:27for you, Lindsay. Thank you so much. Thank you. This is awesome. Yeah. And I think, uh,
03:31two more words for the people, right? Go birds.
