• 2 months ago
Bennett Chats with Ivy, MasterChef Junior Season 8 Semifinalist at Dreams Natura


00:00It's Bennett from The New 96.5. We are live in Cancun. This is paradise here. Dreams Notor
00:05Resort and Spa. We're of course celebrating this awesome new collaboration with Dreams
00:09Resorts and Spas and MasterChef Junior. And joining me on the show this morning,
00:14season eight semifinalist, right? Ivy Child. Thanks for hopping on with me. I appreciate it.
00:19Well, thank you for having me.
00:20Yeah. You having fun so far here?
00:22Yes. It's been a blast.
00:23I mean, how could you not, right? I mean, it's just gorgeous. And obviously we're celebrating
00:27this brand new menu that you helped curate. But I'm just kind of curious because I was like just
00:31in awe of you and your talent and your work in the room. You're in eighth grade, right?
00:36Yes, sir.
00:37That's amazing. So when did you start cooking if you're in eighth grade now?
00:41I really have been cooking ever since like I could climb up on the counter in the kitchen.
00:45Like my parents always had me in the kitchen and they never restricted me from like
00:49using the real utensils like the knives. I was using real ones. I'm sorry. Excuse me.
00:55And then they always let me like measure and help out. So really, like since I was two.
00:59That's amazing. So you're saying I'm doing it right with my daughter who's four.
01:03Like she helps me make grilled cheese and peanut butter and jelly like she bakes with mom. So
01:07it was good for you at a young age to really immerse yourself in it.
01:10Yes. It's so important.
01:12It's amazing. So it started when you were two. That's wild. And so you're on MasterChef,
01:18which has got to be just a lot of, I'm not sure if I'd say pressure, but it's intense.
01:24Do you have a favorite memory or experience from the show?
01:26I do. I do. Definitely the restaurant takeover because that was just so fun to be able to see
01:31like the works of behind the scenes at a real restaurant and like feel the pressure of like
01:36having like needing dishes out on time. It was just an awesome experience.
01:40Does that like excite you?
01:41Yeah, it was so fun.
01:41To like be in it. Yeah. Now, what was your inspiration behind this new menu here at
01:46Dreams Resorts and Spas because we sampled the menu at the red carpet event. There's
01:51photos on the website. You can see my daughter, like Kira loved it. She ate everything off her
01:56plate. So that's when you know the food is good. So what was the inspiration behind your menu?
02:00My inspiration behind my menu is definitely my family because I just feel like family is such
02:04like plays such like a key role in the kitchen because it's so important to cook with your
02:09family because when you cook with your family, you eat with your family and there's just that
02:13bonding experience. And then also it's just a good way to like carry on traditions.
02:19I love that. Well, it worked because the family all came together.
02:22We were laughing, enjoying our experience. So thank you for that. And outside of cooking and
02:27this menu unveiling, what's been your favorite part here at Dreams Notora?
02:32I mean, everything, but I had to choose just one thing yesterday. I went on the tour of the
02:37back of the house and it was so awesome seeing their beautiful,
02:40massive kitchens and it was so organized and clean. And just the hospitality here is amazing.
02:46Everyone's so nice.
02:47You can't get out of the kitchen, can you?
02:50But all around, it's been great. It's beautiful here. So I really love it.
02:53Yeah. And yesterday we did the mystery box challenge and my daughter,
02:56Kira, you know her because she was on your team.
03:00It was so sweet to see you two interact. It was really awesome. A little cute little chef. Maybe
03:05she's going to follow in your footsteps. We'll see. You never know. Thank you so much, Ivy,
03:09for joining the show. I really appreciate it.
03:11Thank you for having me.
03:12Of course. We're giving away some vacations. We need people back home in Philadelphia to come
03:16experience your menu and everything that Dreams No Tour Resort and Spa has to offer, right?
03:21Come join us. New96FivePhilly.com. Ivy, thank you so much again.
03:25Thank you for having me.
