• vor 2 Monaten
Der neue US-Präsident Donald Trump hat die Organisation Erdöl-exportierender Länder (Opec) und speziell Saudi-Arabien aufgefordert, die Ölpreise zu senken. Darin bestehe auch ein Weg zum Frieden in der Ukraine, sagte Trump per Videoansprache beim Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos.


00:00I'm also going to ask Saudi Arabia and OPEC to bring down the cost of oil.
00:05You got to bring it down, which frankly I'm surprised they didn't do before the election.
00:10That didn't show a lot of love by them not doing it.
00:13I was a little surprised by that.
00:15If the price came down, the Russia-Ukraine war would end immediately.
