• 2 months ago
Infrared Light helps with Alzheimer's disease, study finds.

A new light therapy study published in the journal Aging and Disease found that twice daily transcranial application improved cognition in dementia sufferers.

In this randomised double-blinded controlled trial, 40 patients with mild to moderate dementia were given a helmet-like device that emitted 1070 nm wavelength of near-infrared light (invisible to the naked eye), and 20 patients with mild to moderate dementia were given a similar device that did not actually emit light.

All participants then used the device for 6 minutes, twice a day, for 60 days. The study had a 95 per cent completion rate with no side effects noted.

Excitingly, at the end of 60 days, those on the active treatment arm showed significant improvements in a number of cognitive function tests including the Mini-Mental State Examination (a 15 per cent improvement), the Logical Memory test and the Auditory Verbal Learning Test. Many patients also reported improved sleep after one week of treatment and caregivers reported improvements in the patients’ mood, anxiety and energy levels after two to three weeks of treatment.

In this video interview, researcher Dr Marvin Berman from non-profit organisation the QuietMIND Foundation discusses the study and the applications of its findings.

“Light therapy is an intervention to actually stop the neuro inflammation and also to increase the amount of brain chemicals that are associated with healthy brain activity,” Dr Berman said. “This is a physiological intervention building upon the idea of removing pathogens and toxins that can interfere with normal physiological and brain function. That’s what the light can do. It can confer a certain amount of protection to the brain against further injury. So, it’s neuroprotective as well as reparative.”

You can read the full study here: http://www.aginganddisease.org/EN/10.14336/AD.2021.0229

To get in touch with Dr Berman and his team at the QuietMIND Foundation visit their website: https://www.quietmindfdn.org/

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