• 2 months ago
00:00The Raiders, the Raiders, have got themselves their new head coach, Pete Carroll, after
00:09a year away, after leaving Seattle, didn't coach this past year, he's back in the mix.
00:15He will be the head coach in Las Vegas with the Raiders.
00:20So Pete, what did you say, you're gonna be 74 by the time they kick off next fall?
00:26He's 73 right now.
00:28But as I heard, you know what they like to say about him, Scotty?
00:32He's a young 73, you know, he's still very sharp, moves around a lot, he bounces all
00:39over the place, he's a very young 73 Pete Carroll, nothing to worry about.
00:45He should be golfing in Cabo, he should be retired, he should be, you know, hanging out
00:51with his grandchildren, he should be, you know, finished.
00:57I don't agree with it, and, you know, good for him, I hope he wins, and I hope he does
01:04well, and I hope the Raiders are turned around by him, congratulations, have at it.
01:09But I am not in favor of, at all, hiring 74-year-olds to be the head coach of anything.
01:18At all.
01:19At any level.
01:20I mean, honest to Christ.
01:23At some point, can you imagine if you've been coaching, and you've been busting your ass,
01:29and you've been trying to make it as an NFL coach, and you're an assistant, and you've
01:35been grinding, and you've been working 20-hour days, and you've been busting your ass, and
01:41then they hand the job to some guy that should be retired for 10 years, and they're giving
01:48jobs out now to 74-year-olds, and some guy's 35, 40-year-old, trying to be a head coach
01:54his whole life, that's all he dreams about and cares about, and you have no chance because
01:59you're not, you know, a big enough name, they gotta pull out some guy from Tales of the
02:04Crypt to coach an NFL team, I mean, honest to Christ, the guy's 74-years-old.
02:10He already lost it in Seattle.
02:14He already wasn't winning anymore in Seattle.
02:18That whole act of him running up and down the sideline, you know, that doesn't work
02:23with me.
02:24It doesn't work with me, you know, you can act like you're 50 all you want, you're not.
02:29You know what?
02:30I play basketball every day of my life with guys that are half my age, and I always let
02:34them know when I get burned defensively because I'm slow and old and fat.
02:40I'm slow and old and fat, and I'm 60 years old, and you're 30, so F you, and F anyone
02:47that thinks 74 and 75-year-olds should be the head coach of NFL teams.
02:52I don't, I just don't buy it.
02:54I don't like it.
02:55I am a discriminator here of old age, like Christ, I'm trying to make it to 65 and then
03:02call it a day.
03:03I'm just trying to survive here and make it five more years, whatever it is, and then
03:09I'll be long gone, bro.
03:11No one needs me around.
03:13No one cares about some old dude.
03:15Trust me, you worked with me, Carver Hyatt, CBS, Soda Mafia, you saw it every day, those
03:21people abusing that old guy, saying he was finished and washed and should go away, go
03:27What are you still doing it for?
03:28No one watched, no one listens, no one cares about you anymore, old man.
03:33Everybody wanted his job and his neck.
03:35That's what they do to old people.
03:38Stop acting like old people should be getting jobs that are long past their time.
03:43Honestly, I don't care what anyone thinks of my opinion.
03:46You can have it, 74-year-old head coach.
03:49You gotta be kidding me.
03:50What is next, a 90-year-old lady?
03:53I mean, honesty, just what is going on?
03:57Where is this happening?
03:58Did they not just kick a guy out of office?
04:01They literally said, you can't run for president because you're too old.
04:05You can't even talk, you can't even speak, you can't even walk.
04:08And they gave it to that chick and she got her ass beat.
04:11By another old geezer.
04:13What is happening here?
04:14The old people are taking over the world because the young people are too stupid to do anything
04:20and they're too lazy.
04:21I know that.
04:22How many of these kids go to college and then come home and live with their parents for
04:2610 years and never get a job?
04:29It's embarrassing.
04:30That's why they're hiring 74-year-olds because the young can't do anything.
04:35All they do is smoke bong rips and drink and do drives and go party.
04:40That's all they do.
04:41I mean, honestly, like, don't even tell me I'm tripping either.
04:44Christ, I know 1,500 kids that don't have jobs that get out of college.
04:48College, just in case you didn't know, here's a little newsflash for you, folks.
04:53Was your, you know, you're spending a half million on your kid going to college?
04:56Here's what your kids do at college.
04:58They party and have sex.
05:01That's all they do.
05:03That's all they do.
05:04They stay up till five in the morning, partying, doing drugs and having sex, just so you know.
05:08Here's a little newsflash for you.
05:11And then some of them will say, I know these dads, oh, my kid's an athlete, he's D2, he's
05:18Yeah, whatever.
05:20Your kid ain't going pro.
05:21Let's calm down, okay?
05:23Let's calm down.
05:24And 74-year-old coach, 72-year-old in North Carolina, 74-year-old in the enemy.
05:29What is next?
05:30Honestly, I want to see someone break the mold and hire a 90-year-old grandmother to
05:35What is next?
05:37What is next?
05:39I mean, honestly, Christ Almighty, is he going to drop dead on the field?
05:43Are they going to wheel him out in a wheelchair?
05:47Is he going to have a walker by the third year?
05:50You can take everything I said today to the bank.
05:54I don't care what anyone thinks.
05:55I'm not wrong.
05:56I will never change my opinion of it.
05:58When you're old and finished and it's over, it was already over in Seattle.
06:03And now they're going to give him a new job to start over?
06:0674, he'll be 76 when it's over.
06:0877 when it's over.
06:09You've got to be kidding me.
06:11What is happening?
06:12Honestly, I mean, this doesn't bother anyone.
06:18I heard Morenzi.
06:19Oh, I have no problem with it at all.
06:20He's a great coach.
06:21Great coach, my ass.
06:23He's about as great a coach as that nice play he called without giving a ball to Marshon
06:27Lynch in the second Super Bowl that he blew.
06:30He's lucky he won one because of that defense they had.
06:36The Legion of Boom is why he won the first one.
06:39All of his running around on the sideline.
06:41Yeah, whatever.
06:42We'll see him running around on the sideline in Vegas with a walker.
