• 2 months ago
00:00finally in Vegas Pete Carroll was introduced. You have said it a bunch of times, he will be 74
00:08when the season kicks off next September. So Pete, how about being the oldest coach in the league?
00:14I've not been one step away from what we're doing at any time and what we're up against here. I'm
00:20just so grateful that I've been given the opportunity to do this again and define it.
00:26Because to me it's the very next step that we get to take that fires me up. It's the very next
00:31challenge. It's coming back or it's overcoming or it's celebrating the success that you just
00:38had and making yourself come back to basics and continue to be uncommonly consistent that drives
00:43me. The stuff that you guys have heard about Pete and having fun, like you mentioned about
00:49throwing the ball around and all that, that's part of it. But it's about the competing and
00:55proving that you have value and you have worth and you can add to it. I don't care how old you
00:59are and for anybody out there that's old and wants to know how you do it, you freaking battle every
01:05day and you compete and you find your way to get better. Everybody needs to be coached up and
01:10that's what's been happening for me and I would like to extend that thought to anybody that wants
01:14to hear it. Because we can get better and we can do more things that are of value and we can love
01:18our families more and our people around us. I mean all of that stuff. So obviously I'm freaking jacked
01:23up. What has happened here? He's pumped. Guy's ready to run through a wall. He's ready. Pete Carroll
01:36wants to go. I know a lot of people that want to run through walls until they get hit.
01:41Yeah, when you hit him it's not fun. I don't listen. I don't deny his ability or success
01:49and his name and his history and everything that he's accomplished. I don't deny any of it. He's
01:56had a brilliant career and I'll believe it when I see it. I heard today Gabe said they're going
02:03to be in the playoffs in three years. Well he's got a three-year deal. So if he wins in three years
02:09he gets a fourth year. We'll see. He'd be 80 years old. Now I've already expressed a thousand times.
02:15I'm just not hiring 74 year old guys to be my head coach. It's not happening on my watch. I'm
02:21sorry. Like at some point he should have had social security checks for nine years already.
02:25I mean honest to Christ. Like what is happening here? I just don't do you literally does this
02:33happen anywhere? Does it happen in the premier league? Does it happen in like I guess it happens
02:38in baseball. There are old baseball managers. There's none of it in hockey. There's none of
02:46it in the NBA. I mean they hire guys that are 30 to 40 years old. If you hire a guy 50 you get
02:53crucified in the NBA. I mean 74 years old. I just and he says he relates to players. You know what
03:04let me tell you something about here's the deal. So I play with guys that are half my age and like
03:11I'm cool and everything but let's not kid ourselves. They're 30. I'm 60. There's no one
03:16relating to anyone. He relates to 22 year olds. Shut the f up. There's no 22, 23 year old in the
03:23world listening to some 74 year old. Unless it's their grandma. Honestly it's your grandma and
03:28grandpa. There's no young kids listening to old people. The kids lie to their parents now and their
03:35parents are 30 years older than them. Christ almighty this guy's 56 years older than them.
03:41They don't listen to grandpa Jones. They never will. Trust me. I know it's certain. Like do you
03:49like you don't listen to your dad anymore Mike? You're gonna listen to your grandpa?
03:54Give you advice? Stop. Grandpa's gonna tell me what to do every day. Shut up. I'm gonna be out
04:01in the back smoking a bone. I'm not listening to that old man. Stop it. Just stop. It doesn't happen.
04:09One last thing from this. Carol was paid a visit during the press conference
04:16by his former uh running back. By father time. The great uh Marshawn Lynch made his presence felt
04:25at the press conference yesterday. Here we go. Fans come from we do want to fill our stadium
04:30up with our guys. I know that we have a good draw for people from out of town.
04:34There you go. There you go. That's what I'm talking about. That was Lynch.
