• 2 months ago
Lakshmi Sai Charitha of Anantapur Has Mesmerizing Traditional Voice Drags All Attention : చదువుకుంటూనే అభిరుచుల వైపు అడుగేస్తున్నారు నేటితరం. ముఖ్యంగా సంప్రదాయ కళల్లో ప్రావీణ్యం కోసం చాలామంది ఆసక్తి కనబరుస్తున్నారు. చిన్నతనం నుంచే ఆ దిశగా అడుగేసిందా అమ్మాయి. సమయం దొరికినప్పుడల్లా సరిగమలు సాధన చేసింది. మధురగాత్రంతో ప్రేక్షకులను మంత్రముగ్ధులను చేస్తోంది. సంప్రదాయ గానంతో అకట్టుకుంటున్న యువ గాయకురాలు ఎవరో ఈ కథనంలో తెలుసుకుందాం.


00:00Everyone has a singer. When he is alone, he puts on earphones and plays Koni Raga.
00:07When he goes out with friends, he appears in the form of fun.
00:11But since childhood, this girl decided to become a singer.
00:15She got the opportunity to become a music student along with her parents.
00:20As a result, she got the opportunity to sing in TTD and ETB singing competitions.
00:49This girl's name is Lakshmi Sai Charitha.
00:52She is the daughter of M.V.S.Prasad Deepa Parimala Dampatula from Somnath Nagar, Anantapuram.
00:58As her parents became music students, she grew up listening to sarigams.
01:03Eventually, she developed an interest in music.
01:06So, her parents made the girl, who was playing Koni Raga, study music.
01:10The famous music students punished Veeraswamy.
01:39In the 4th grade, Sai Charitha stepped into the field of music.
01:44In her childhood, she learned sarigams and started giving performances on the stage.
01:49She sang well in TTD's Adigo Alladigo program and attracted the attention of the audience.
01:55She participated in the ETB's 2025 Paadu Thaathiya competition.
02:20I started learning Karnataka music from Veeraswamy in the 4th grade.
02:26In 2015, I participated for the first time in the Annamachari Kirtan competition at the Thyagaraja Sangeetha Sabha.
02:38In 2017, Director K.Vishwanath came to the Thyagaraja Sangeetha Sabha.
02:45There was a competition on Shankara Barna movie songs.
02:50I won the second prize in the Junior Speak category.
02:53I was very happy to win the prize in his hands.
02:57Sai Charitha not only sang songs, but also gained fame in the field of music.
03:02In many programs, music has always been loved in the field of music.
03:07In the field of music, songs, district, state and caste,
03:11Gayakural gave more than 100 performances and won awards and praise letters.
03:47Sai Charitha is also good at studying along with music.
03:51She got 10 GPA in the 10th grade.
03:54She scored 95% in the Intermediate exam and was praised.
03:57She achieved a good rank in MSAT and is studying B.Tech 2nd year at G.Pullareddy Engineering College.
04:04When I went to Sangeetha Sabha class, I met Veeraswamy Sir there.
04:08I saw his students playing Veena and liked it.
04:13I also wanted to learn Veena.
04:17I gave a program in Arts Kala Shala on Women's Day.
04:24I gave a performance at the district level and at the state level.
04:31I also gave a performance to the director, Mr. Vishwanath.
04:36I also gave a performance to the TTD chairman.
04:43I also started learning film songs.
04:47Now, I am selected as an ETV singer.
04:50Sai Charitha completed her diploma course in music.
04:54She is doing well with Annamayya songs and spiritual songs.
04:58She has attracted the attention of the society with her performance.
05:04She is also known as the queen of studies.
05:10I used to think whether I can balance music and studies.
05:16But, when I started learning music, I got interested in music.
05:27My memory power increased and I was able to focus well.
05:32Studying is not a problem because of music.
05:36Music improves our focus and memory power.
05:45My parents are my main support.
05:49Even if I don't show interest, my parents give me full support.
05:54They motivate me and give me confidence to continue my studies.
06:09Sai Charitha's parents encourage her to pursue music.
06:15They say that her family is interested in music.
06:21They encourage her to pursue music.
06:25She has a great grasping power.
06:29Even in her school days, she used to recite a poem.
06:39I started teaching her to recite poems.
06:46We love music very much.
06:51My husband and I have a great knowledge of music.
06:58We decided to take her to music class.
07:04She was selected for the 25th season of Paadu Thaatega.
07:10We used to support her when she used to participate in competitions.
07:16We used to support her when she used to participate in competitions.
07:30Sai Charitha started learning music when she was young.
07:37She is a multi-talented girl.
