Veteran actor Anil Kapoor took a trip down memory lane as his film "Fighter" completed one year in Hindi cinema. With a sense of "immense pride", Anil reflected on the journey of making the movie, which he described as a labor of love filled with "hard work, dedication, and unforgettable moments".He penned: “Looking back with immense pride as Fighter completes 1 year. It’s almost a ritual for me to look at reviews of some films on their anniversaries. This time I thought I’d share the ritual with everyone…”
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00:00Veteran actor Anil Kapoor took to trip down memory lane as his film Fighter completed
00:05one year in Hindi cinema.
00:08With a sense of immense pride, Anil reflected on the journey of making this movie, which
00:12he described as a labour of love filled with hard work, dedication and unforgettable moments.
00:18He penned,
00:19Looking back with immense pride as Fighter completes one year, it's almost a ritual
00:23for me to look at review of some films on their anniversaries.
00:28This time, I thought I had shared the ritual with everyone.
00:31The actor added,
00:32This was a journey filled with hard work, dedication and unforgettable moments.
00:37I am so grateful to the incredible team and the love from all of you that made it so special.
00:43Here's to pushing boundaries and creating magic together.
00:46Fighter was an action-drama film directed by Siddharth Anand.
00:49Based on the story he wrote with Ramon Chibb.
00:53It also stars Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone and Anil Kapoor.
00:57Karan Singh Grover, Akshay Oberoi and Rishabh.
01:00The film is the first installment in a planned aerial action franchisee.