• 2 months ago
00:00Aaron glenn also introduced yesterday in new york all signs around aaron glenn is that he possesses
00:08the mentality to invigorate an organization to fire up his team he tried to do that in front
00:14of the media yesterday as well players that's here now put your seat belts on and get ready
00:20for the ride put your seat belts on and get ready for the ride listen there are going to be some
00:25challenges but what challenges becomes opportunity gets opportunity but here's what i do know
00:32we're the freaking new york jets so we're built for this
00:39now that that's some heat right there that is some passion that is some vigor from aaron glenn
00:46more than they have had in new york in a long time of course the word that was bleeped out
00:51rhymes with hit drs what did you make of eric what and bat mcafee would play that come on now
00:58let's step our game up here former sports grid well not employee but pat mcafee formerly on the
01:04sports grid network we're a family-friendly program though but drs what did you make of
01:09aaron glenn's introductory statement to everybody in the new york metropolitan area refreshing and
01:15the reason i say this the guys played in new york i love that but also what was missing from the new
01:20york jets i don't know since for since rex ryan let's just say left and the mark sanchez team that
01:25went to the afc championship game accountability that team was so talented but over the past years
01:30now understandably and you know aaron rogers going down on play number three basically of their season
01:35two years ago that really set the franchise back but you couldn't see coming into the season but
01:39let me get this straight every single position they can win at their defense is phenomenal aaron
01:44rogers is healthy weapons at wide receiver a young fresh backfield that you have an offensive line
01:49that's rebuilt but nobody had any accountability for the losses you would watch them play an
01:53inferior opponent with talent and just get wasted after going like i don't understand
01:57because it's accountability the one thing i love about aaron glenn coming over from detroit is
02:01there was a count as much as i hated some of the things that detroit did there was accountability
02:05in that room those players played for that coach and played for that city that's what the jets are
02:10missing and i think that's not going to no longer i think that's the point in key made yesterday is
02:14going forward the jets will have accountability and i'm looking forward to see aaron glenn with
02:19the green
