• 2 months ago
00:00Yesterday in the National Football League was a day of introduction for
00:04four NFL teams, the Cowboys, the Jets, the Raiders in the Jags, all
00:10introducing their new head coach and general manager to everybody, to the
00:15media, to the fan base, to the National Football League as a whole.
00:20So here for the entirety of this opening hour, we will go to all four
00:24spots in Dallas, Jacksonville, New York.
00:27And of course, Las Vegas to hear from those individuals and Donnie, of
00:33course, we have to start at the star.
00:38It was one of the weirdest scenes you will ever see yesterday in Dallas.
00:43It was basically Jerry Jones trying to prove to everybody once again, while he
00:48calls the shot, why he has the power to make these coaching decisions.
00:54And it was awkward from the very start.
00:58Here were the guys getting out on stage just to introduce Brian Schottenheimer.
01:03I believe we have, there it is.
01:05Look at all them kind of sitting down, hanging out.
01:09You've got Steven, Jerry's kid.
01:11You've got Brian Schottenheimer in the middle.
01:13And of course, Jerry Jones on the far right.
01:19I mean, all of that is, you've got the big room.
01:21What all of that is super, super strange.
01:25And Donnie, as we said, we're not trying to slander Brian Schottenheimer.
01:30We'll hear from Dallas's new head coach in just a moment, but it's the situation
01:35in the atmosphere behind this coaching hiring that led to a super
01:39weird press conference yesterday.
01:42But I don't mind the setup, but we have an issue with the setup
01:44out there for what they have.
01:45Like what was, what was the issue for you on them sitting
01:48down together in those chairs?
01:49Do you have an issue with that?
01:51No, I don't have an issue with that.
01:52I don't think Steven Jones needs to be there.
01:54He doesn't do anything except being daddy's errand boy.
01:57I think it's the fact they sit down, right?
02:00Here we go.
02:00All of us all together.
02:02Steven Jones really doesn't do anything.
02:03They sit here.
02:04Nobody shakes hands.
02:06They go down and now Brian Schottenheimer is like, this is weird.
02:09Let me tap you guys.
02:11And then Jerry goes, you've got the big room as in like, welcome to
02:14being the Cowboys new head coach.
02:17Like if we're reading body language too, like the fact that Jerry
02:19Jones needs to drink water immediately.
02:21Then the second he sits down means like, Oh boy, this is going to be tough.
02:24I better prepare myself because I'm going to get questions as opposed to
02:27probably, let me sit down and be like, you know what, let me start
02:30this press conference off myself.
02:31We just hit the biggest home run in Dallas Cowboys history right now with
02:35this head coaching hire of Ben Johnson.
02:37Didn't work out that way.
