• 2 months ago
00:00Is there, when you look at the Bears having hired the guy they wanted and now getting their staff together,
00:08is there an advantage to moving as quickly as they did?
00:12And given how surprising it was that they moved as quickly as they did,
00:18do you think their reputation has changed as they head to free agency?
00:23Yeah, I think that it's a message that things have changed at the top of the organization
00:28and that hires like Kevin Warren and Ryan Poles have persuaded George McCaskey to do things differently.
00:33And I may have said this last week with you guys, I don't know, because it all blends together and blurs together for me.
00:39But I almost feel like the resurgence of the Lions, because they were the doormat of the division for decades.
00:46Now the Lions are kicking everybody's ass.
00:48Is that the thing that caused George to say, man, I got to do things differently now?
00:51Even the Lions are better than we are.
00:53Are you kidding me?
00:54The Lions?
00:56We can do it too.
00:57All it takes is a commitment and real change.
01:00And I like the idea that they move quickly to get the guys they wanted because,
01:04and again, I may have said this last week as well,
01:06the first credibility test for a new coach is can he deliver on the names he laid out during his interview as to who he'd add to his staff?
01:14And if this guy can go out and boom, here's this guy, boom, here's that guy, boom, here's this guy.
01:19This is a guy who acts on his word.
01:21His word is his bond.
01:22He gets things done.
01:24And there's a dotted line between that and getting a football team ready to go out and win.
