• 2 months ago
El zodiaco chino incluye doce animales: rata, buey, tigre, conejo, dragón, serpiente, caballo, cabra, mono, gallo, perro y cerdo. El 29 de enero de 2025, comenzará el año de la serpiente. Para los chinos, este horóscopo no solo define un ciclo, sino que también moldea el carácter y el destino de cada individuo.



00:00We are in the middle of a war.
00:02And now the horse is coming.
00:04I want to shake your hand.
00:06The horses are very entertaining.
00:10They are very libertarian.
00:12They are a little bit bipolar.
00:16Yes, because they go from one end to the other easily.
00:18But they are very fascinating
00:20because they are very dreamy people.
00:22Very idealistic people.
00:26Who are the famous horses?
00:28Maria José Quintanilla,
00:30and Amira Cote Quintanilla.
00:34Why do you call him Pololo?
00:36Because that's how I know him.
00:38Me too.
00:40It was annoying.
00:42It's a way of saying it.
00:44Horses are very entertaining people.
00:46Very surprising.
00:48I can also give you good news.
00:50They are going to have a libertarian year.
00:52Which is very important for horses
00:54because they have been very restricted
00:56this year.
00:58Because the dragon
01:00cuts the reins of the horse.
01:02Because the horse doesn't go unnoticed.
01:04Let's see.
01:06The dragon is calm.
01:08And now the snake looks over there
01:10and the horse comes out unnoticed.
01:14The horse is unnoticed.
01:16If you have horses at home,
01:18put the reins on them
01:20because they are going to go unnoticed.
01:24And the love is going to be good for them.
01:28The love is going to be good for them.
01:30Yes, the love is going to be good for the horses.
01:32But they don't have to be
01:34with a couple all their lives
01:36like the dragon.
01:38No, the horse...
01:40But maybe that was...
01:42It's brutal.
01:44No, maybe they like it more experimental.
01:46It's a bit bipolar.
01:48Because it has a relationship with the sign Gemini.
01:50They go here and there.
01:52But the love in general is going to be good for them?
01:54I think it's going to be good for them
01:56in terms of what they want.
01:58But I see it much more
02:00in the aspect of their personal realization
02:02as human beings.
02:04I think beyond that.
02:06Nowadays, I tell you,
02:08self-knowledge is so important.
02:10In fact, all the workshops
02:12that I'm doing right now are all
02:14very focused on self-knowledge.
02:16Because if we know who we are,
02:18where the shoe squeezes us,
02:20what we tell,
02:22the truth is that everything is easier.
02:24So you have to tell the horse
02:26that it's going to have a year
02:28especially entertaining.
