• 2 months ago
El zodiaco chino incluye doce animales: rata, buey, tigre, conejo, dragón, serpiente, caballo, cabra, mono, gallo, perro y cerdo. El 29 de enero de 2025, comenzará el año de la serpiente. Para los chinos, este horóscopo no solo define un ciclo, sino que también moldea el carácter y el destino de cada individuo.



00:00I want to know, who are the tigers here?
00:02There are no tigers here.
00:04Felipe, no, it's not a tiger.
00:06There it is.
00:08But you can't put the years,
00:10it doesn't matter.
00:12There are 38, 50,
00:1460, 72,
00:1674, 86.
00:18How do you see the tiger?
00:20The tigers,
00:22like the horses and the dogs,
00:24have had a very difficult year
00:26during the reign of the dragon.
00:28It's like a wheel,
00:30so there are always three down.
00:32Now it's up to those who will be up,
00:34the buffaloes, the snakes and the roosters.
00:36But that's why the tiger
00:38reinvents itself.
00:40It reinvents itself totally.
00:42We are in the middle of
00:46We are at full.
00:48The tigers don't stop us now.
00:50And what is the strongest thing for the tiger this year?
00:52Love? Money? Health?
00:54What is the high point?
00:56Three things would be perfect.
01:00Mainly, I think it depends on the generation.
01:02At my age,
01:04health becomes very important.
01:06I would say that
01:08everything is more or less
01:10part of the reinvention.
01:12Obviously, one reinvents himself
01:14looking to be better.
01:16It's a good year for the tiger.
01:18Well, at least for those of us who write.
01:20I already have two books on the way.
01:22It's a good year,
01:24but it's not for those who are
01:26in the first row.
01:28It's for those who are reinventing themselves.
01:30To get out of their bad streak, but it will be there.