• 2 months ago
El zodiaco chino incluye doce animales: rata, buey, tigre, conejo, dragón, serpiente, caballo, cabra, mono, gallo, perro y cerdo. El 29 de enero de 2025, comenzará el año de la serpiente. Para los chinos, este horóscopo no solo define un ciclo, sino que también moldea el carácter y el destino de cada individuo.



00:00Yeah, but we're going, we're going. Order, order.
00:03The rat.
00:04How famous are rats? There they appear in the...
00:06Those are the dates for people to...
00:08Angelica Castro.
00:09Angelica Castro?
00:10Mago Jimenez.
00:11Mago Jimenez too.
00:12And Mago Jimenez.
00:13Of course. How do love and money come together?
00:15Well, look, the mice, if you think about it, the snakes eat mice.
00:20You always have to consider that.
00:21Therefore, since it is a year of great opportunities for the mice,
00:26since the mouse is greedy, you have to be careful when you see a nice cheese,
00:31if it's not in a trap.
00:33The rat, what else can I tell you, in the year of the snake,
00:38take advantage of your opportunities, but tread carefully,
00:41because it is a dangerous year.
00:44Very good, but dangerous.
00:46And in love and money, it's going to be the same year,
00:49you have to be cautious in love and money.
00:51I would say that in all things, but mainly,
00:53dealing with the rat, with what they like, money,
00:56very possibly, it is rather in business, where they can be scammed,
01:00they can be deceived.
01:01They are going to trust anyone.
01:03No, because of course, because they are great,
01:05then you are going to say, oh, tremendous business, tremendous interest.
01:09You could say, not everything that shines is gold,
01:12as for the snakes.
01:13We can put it here.
01:14Let's leave the date for the people who are at home.
01:18Behind the paper are the years of the rat.
01:24A little thing that everyone asks me,
01:26how do you know your element?
01:28How do you know your element?
01:29It's super simple.
01:30How do we know?
01:31All years ending in 0 and 1 are metal,
01:33which corresponds to the air, to the intellect.
01:35All years ending in 0 and 1?
01:38As it is.
01:39We are the metalheads.
01:402 and 3 are those of water, which are emotional, sentimental.
01:43Then 4 and 5 are those of wood,
01:465th element, the creative, the imaginative,
01:48those who break the mold.
01:506 and 7 are the years of fire,
01:53which are the intense,
01:55those who go to the punch,
01:57the athletes, those who don't stop.