• 2 days ago
प्रयागराज ( यूपी ) - संगम नगरी प्रयागराज में आज मौनी अमावस्या के अमृत स्नान के दिन भारी संख्या में श्रद्धालुओं के आने के कारण भगदड़ की स्थिति बन गई थी। वहां मौजदू चश्मदीदों में से एक जय प्रकाश ने कहा कि भीड़ बढ़ने के कारण ये घटना हुई। मैं, मेरे बच्चे, माता-पिता सब इस भगदड़ में दब गए थे लेकिन मां को ज्यादा चोटें लगी हैं। वहीं कर्नाटक से आई विद्या ने बताया कि ज्यादा संख्या में लोगों के आने के कारण ये घटना हुई जिसमें हमारे कई लोगों को चोट लगी है।



00:00There was a lot of crowd in the village.
00:03We were all in the village.
00:07First I came out, then the kids, then my father.
00:12There was a lot of crowd.
00:14The last time I took out my mother.
00:16It was very serious.
00:18As the population increased, people started running away.
00:26People started climbing on each other.
00:29When the population decreased, people started climbing on each other.
00:33Around 50-60 people were running away.
00:37A lot of people were running away.
00:39We were not going anywhere.
00:41People were coming from everywhere.
00:44We took our mother with us.
00:46It was that serious.
00:48There was a pillar in the opposite direction.
00:51All the people got stuck near the pillar.
00:54There were 9 of us.
00:57We came here in groups.
01:02There were 5 people stuck.
01:06We don't know where they went.
01:08They brought us to the hospital in an ambulance.
01:11They brought us in the ambulance.
01:13We were in the ICU.
01:15But nobody was there.
01:17They were unconscious.
01:19They called us to the ICU.
01:25They asked us to take them to the hospital in an ambulance.
