• 2 months ago
Mumbai: In an interview with IANS, actress Tina Dutta discusses her new series 'Personal Trainer' as well as fitness. She then speaks up about comparisons to other comparable storylines. She also discussed other facts in the last section, including how web programs are gaining viewers for television.

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00:00So, my character is the character of Neha.
00:08She's a married woman and her life is circled with a lot of chaos in her life, okay?
00:14And she lands up getting in a lot of troubles and hurdles and why she lands up, where she
00:20lands up is a big mystery and what happens, why it happens is something that you definitely
00:26need to watch the series and figure out why this happens to Neha.
00:31It's a great character.
00:32She's neither extremely good, she's neither very, very bad or bitchy, but she is who she
00:37is and probably situations as such that makes her a great character or how she is.
00:43So, yeah, I mean, preparation-wise, yes, I did put on a lot of weight in between because
00:51I was not working out and then I had to get back to fitness, I had to start working out
00:55because this character was also about fitness and Neha is an extremely fit girl where she
01:00works out religiously, she goes to the gym religiously and this was me, Tina, as a person
01:05in real life as well, who loves fitness, just to stay fit, not to be a certain shape or
01:11a size or a figure, but to stay fit, not only physically, but mentally as well.
01:17And that's why I used to practice a lot of yoga and Pilates and I still do pole dancing
01:24I still do pole dancing.
01:25So, yeah, these are some of the fitness that I enjoy personally.
01:28So yeah, so preparation-wise, I think I had to get back into my fitness and of course
01:34I had to sit with my director a lot and discuss about the character because I was kind of
01:40nervous because this was my first time that I'm portraying a grey character, out and
01:44out grey character, you know, which is completely negative.
01:48So yeah, that's all about it.
01:55Because the storyline was very intriguing, sir.
01:58And it was a crime thriller.
02:00It was a very different concept, something that I've not done ever before.
02:04So that was the excitement and it was also written and directed by Amit Khanna, who's
02:08a very dear friend of mine and he's done, he's done very beautiful shows before section
02:13365 or 366, which was a super duper successful show.
02:17So I knew deep down, there was one more concept also, which Amit is working on.
02:23And it's a fantabulous concept, you know, so somewhere this concept and overall the
02:27entire storyline was very catchy to me.
02:31And I was like, okay, this is not a lame storyline.
02:35There is some kind of storyline to it.
02:38So I just took it up as a challenge and I just wanted to explore.
02:46My character reflects, so as Tina, like I just said, as Tina and Neha, if you see,
02:53both are into fitness and both loves to work out.
02:56And so whatever happens in Neha's life, it starts because of a personal trainer.
03:04And it starts with the gym, in the gym.
03:08So yeah, I mean, I will land up sharing a lot of storylines.
03:14So I think you need to watch the entire show to get an idea of why it happens, what happens.
03:24Like I said, I am not allowed to speak a lot about my character.
03:28Sorry about that.
03:30Like I said, she's a married woman and there are certain situations in her life,
03:39because of which her life is very rollercoaster, very chaotic.
03:43So why that happens, if you watch the series, then only you will have an idea about it.
03:53Okay, so I think I'm going to be a great mother whenever I want to accept motherhood in my life.
03:58And like I said, I did not express my wish to be a single mother.
04:02But if there's a choice, I would definitely want to be a single mother.
04:05I don't mind adopting a child.
04:06I'm very, very open about it.
04:08Like how Sushmita Sen has adopted two daughters, two beautiful daughters.
04:12I mean, there is no harm in adopting.
04:15We always think that we should have our own blood and all of that.
04:20I personally don't believe in that.
04:22I mean, my parents are also very vocal and open about it.
04:25And they have, in spite of being a Bengali and from a small town,
04:28they don't have that mentality or that setback that you have to get married and have a child.
04:33I mean, they are very, my dad is very cool about it,
04:36that if tomorrow I want to have a child by surrogacy or if I want to adopt a child,
04:41he will be very acceptable.
04:42My entire family will be very acceptable about it.
04:44It's not necessarily that, and in today's world, we all are very independent women.
04:49I have my own house, I have my own car, I have my own stove, electricity bill.
04:54I do everything with my own money.
04:55I can take care of my own responsibilities.
04:58So, of course, if I can look after myself, I can look after my parents,
05:01I can look after my family, I can also look after a child.
05:04Not necessarily that I need to have a husband to look after it.
05:07And if I have this mindset that, yes, my husband will bear all the expenses
05:11and will take care of the child and will do schooling,
05:14I think that's a wrong mindset.
05:15And it shouldn't be like that.
05:16Everybody should be independent.
05:20Society has been acceptable, of course, yes.
05:23But in the entertainment industry, everything is so out and loud
05:28because we are in the show business, you know.
05:32So, whatever happens to us, it just goes viral and all of that.
05:37So, definitely, people feel that, yes, because of this industry,
05:40people have been so acceptable.
05:42So, it's not like that, you know.
05:45But they are not vocal about it because they are not a part of this industry.
05:48Whatever happens to us, it just goes viral.
05:53So, people feel like that.
05:54But otherwise, yeah, I mean, otherwise, it's not about only the show business.
05:57I think everyone, apart from the industry, also has this mindset.
06:01But again, it's like 50-50, you know.
06:03Some people think differently.
06:04Some people have this open mindset.
06:15So, television, I want to be a part of shows which is more relatable to the audience.
06:21Which audience can connect to.
06:23Not something that suddenly, you go to a fire and then you reach the moon
06:31which is shown in daily soap these days.
06:33So, bizarre concepts which audience can't relate to.
06:36I don't think so.
06:37I can even portray that with convection.
06:41So, I want to do something which I am convinced of.
06:44Like this particular character, I was very convinced of.
06:46So, I can only portray and enact something that I am convinced of.
06:49So, definitely, I want something, the television industry to also show.
06:53Like Uttaran was a super hit show because it was not only progressive,
06:58but it was also relatable, you know.
07:01How a child from a poor household is treated.
07:06Which happens in our society.
07:08People have been looked down upon.
07:10If you don't have a lot of money or if you are not successful.
07:13So, I think all these stories are very relatable to the audience.
07:17So, I think that relatability is a must factor.
07:26Again, it's a long discussion.
07:28It's a debate actually.
07:29Because even now, if you go to small towns, villages,
07:33there are people who like to see such concepts just for the sake of entertainment.
07:38And then there are this mass audience, you know,
07:41the tier 2, tier 3 or whatever.
07:44They have a different mindset and they like to see different concepts
07:48with which they can relate.
07:50And probably that is why a lot of people are watching web series
07:52because that is a concept that they can relate to.
07:55So, again, it's each to its own zone.
