• 2 months ago
The filmmaker's used to crafting independent film, but he's ready to take things to a bigger stage. Report by Nelsonj. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00Joining the Marvel juggernaut as a filmmaker, how daunting is the prospect of satisfying
00:05all those comic book hordes out there that are going to be blighting your life for the
00:11next 20, 30 years, no doubt?
00:13Look, it's thrilling more so than anything.
00:16Sure, there's pressure, but I love making movies.
00:19I'm so fortunate to be in this world.
00:21There's a great history of these characters and there's an incredible team at Marvel.
00:26So yeah, there's pressure, but I felt so supported and they were such a collaborative
00:32You know, everybody there, Kevin Feige, Lou D'Esposito, Nate Moore, Keanu Davidson and
00:37Gillian Henry, the team I worked with day-to-day were just so supportive.
00:41So I felt great every step of the way.
00:44Making movies of this scale feels like a very specialised skill that works for some, sometimes
00:49doesn't work for others.
00:50So as a filmmaker, do you make something personal to you, but inside this huge machinery?
00:58I think whatever the size of the movie is, you have to stay true to the emotional core
01:02and to the themes.
01:03So for me, it was about identifying those and then working with the incredibly talented
01:07cast that we had to bring it to life in front of the screen.
01:11So I never felt like, oh my God, this movie is so massive, but I don't know how to tell
01:17this story because I think we were very clear about who these characters were, what the
01:21themes were and we focused on that.
01:23And whether you're making a little indie like my previous film or a film like this, it's
01:27about the life in front of the camera and we were so fortunate to have an excellent
01:31And it's called A Brave New World.
01:32There's a lot of new concepts and new areas where Marvel hasn't delved in before.
01:36Does that help you shed the weight of what's come before and the stories that have already
01:41been told?
01:42You know, I think having Sam Wilson, having Anthony Mackie in this role, he's introducing
01:47us to a new Captain America.
01:49So that's taking us forward in a really, really unique and special way.
01:52Yet he's connected to the history, obviously going back to Winter Soldier and his relationship
01:57with Steve.
01:58So this was an opportunity to look back and look forward at the same time and that was
02:02really exciting.
