• 2 months ago
We’re asking people around Cardiff if going to the pub has become too much of a luxury for people.


00:00Yeah, I mean, obviously with, like, cost of living prices and, like, prices are going up.
00:06Yeah, I wish I'd be able to go out on a night out, you know what I mean?
00:10But, yeah, it's a once a month thing, if that, you know?
00:13No, I can definitely see that, especially going out a lot less often.
00:16Drinks are far more expensive than they were a couple of years back.
00:19And, you know, you just don't feel like going out and spending all that money, you know,
00:23that you're maybe saving up to buy something.
00:25So, it's definitely feeling a bit more of a luxury than it is,
00:28as, like, you know, just something you can go and spend time out with your friends,
00:31like, a couple of times a week, like you said.
00:33Yeah, I mean, literally, my local, gone from, what, like, two quid a pint?
00:38To now it's, like, four.
00:40What am I, like, the whole point of a student life, you know,
00:43the idealised life doesn't exist anymore.
00:46That is not something that is attainable for the mass population of students.
00:49But I also think that the drinking culture's changed as well.
00:53I mean, I personally don't drink, and I know that a lot of students still do,
00:57but I feel like it's not as common anymore.
