• 2 months ago
Un niño es ayudado por el padre de su amiga, que es farmacéutico. 15 años después, el hombre está gravemente enfermo, pero no puede costear la operación... Afortunadamente, un hombre misterioso lo ayuda.


00:06Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa
00:10No, I think it was a tomato, it's a por favor. No me I love ya. Come on
00:20Yeah, they were a lot
00:30We'll be a senorita por favor acierto bueno mi hija y mi negocio
00:38Se me toman todas las leyes
00:42Que nos permitía vivir bien a pesar de lo difícil que era la vida
01:33Think my mom is so sick
01:35Yes, I know I know I'm going to be sick, but I don't know
01:40Your mom is in the hospital
01:42We sent her home, she can't get up. My grandma and I are taking care of her
01:48You know how to read?
01:51What does it say?
01:53Anti-allergic. Your mom won't use that. I'll give you something that will help you
01:58I don't want to see you ever steal again, okay?
02:08Hello, mom
02:14The child's mother had no pneumonia. The truth was that she was dissociated from lung cancer
02:21The blue ones with the blue ones. You're going to ask me why the red and blue ones can't be together because they're from different laboratories
02:29The green labels, I see them because they're more delicate. Red with red, there
02:36Of course, they're also going to make me look like an idiot, they're going to make me look like a firefighter
02:41Do you know why I was a pharmacist? Because I am a pharmacist by vocation. I like to help people
02:48The red with the red, the blue with the blue
02:50Dad, can I play with Jaime Luché?
02:57Yes, but after I finish ordering the red with the red and the blue with the blue, we're done
03:03The red with the red
03:04His story moved me so much that I turned him into my assistant at the pharmacy and he came every afternoon after school
03:12With who, red?
03:14Do you want to play with Luché?
03:17Can you play something else, son?
03:19Like what?
03:20The ball
03:22Can you ask for a kiss?
03:24What's that?
03:26Close your eyes
03:28Adel, what happened?
03:30Don't you have to study?
03:33When are you going to study?
03:35Come on, come on
03:37What are you doing?
03:40The disease hit me hard
03:42I got sick when I was young and my daughter had to take care of the pharmacy
03:46It was the only way we could stay together and I didn't want to lose my business for the rest of my life
03:53I don't want anything, old lady
03:55Oh, but how are you not going to eat anything? I'm going to give it to you
03:58And then we're going to go for a walk because the doctor said ten minutes every day
04:03Come on, eat something else
04:05I say no, I'm not hungry
04:07Hey, have you already closed the pharmacy?
04:10Why so early?
04:12It's too early to close it yet
04:14Come on, dad, stop thinking about the pharmacy
04:18Look how he is
04:20Besides, I had to leave it closed because
04:23Pucha is going to come to give you lunch
04:25We can't hire anyone either because we don't know
04:32Have you sold anything?
04:35No, the truth is that nothing has been sold
04:38But how have you not sold anything, my daughter?
04:41Pucha, but it's just that, daddy, we're not so well supplied and
04:48And what's this called? And the competition is still strong
04:51Hey, hey, hey, competition
04:53Our business is the best business in the neighborhood
04:56What? We can win the competition
05:00Daddy, what happens is that there is also something else
05:04What thing?
05:06It's just that today the landlord came again and said that
05:11If we don't pay the debt, he's going to come and close everything with a carabiner and everything
05:17Who does he think he is? We're going to pay
05:20Daddy, but what are you doing?
05:22Daddy, if you can't get up, you're wrong
05:24You're sick
05:26Dad, please don't do this to me
05:28That guy is going to listen to me
05:30No, no, no
05:32I can't help you get out
05:34You can't get out like this, dad
05:36Dad, go back to bed, please
05:38See that it's not okay
05:44What happened?
05:46The tests show injuries in both hips
05:49If we don't operate now, it's possible that at some point he won't be able to walk again
05:54But while he can walk, right?
05:56No, he can't
05:58There are fractures in both hips
06:01With the pain he has, he can't move
06:03We have to operate
06:05We can't pay for it
06:07Not now at least
06:09Don't you think health is more important than money?
06:11Excuse me
06:13You're a doctor and maybe you've never had money problems
06:15Please, miss, it's not about that
06:17Yes, it is
06:19There are people who have the means and can do it
06:21But we can't do it
06:23Can you listen to me, please?
06:25Of course, it's easy
06:27When people make millions
06:30Money is not an issue, right?
06:32My dad can't be operated on
06:40I didn't mean to offend you
06:42I just wanted to let you know about the seriousness of the matter
06:46The thing is that I'm nervous, I'm upset
06:50We're going through a bad economic moment
06:52And we're about to lose the family business
06:55And now this
07:00We really can't do it
07:02What's going to happen when he wakes up and can't walk?
07:12I understand
07:14Your dad will be fine
07:16Don't worry
07:18Now go home and rest
07:20And worry about yourself
07:30Excuse me, my dad?
07:32Where is my dad?
07:34Your dad was moved to the operating room
07:36We had to operate him urgently this morning
07:38He woke up with an internal hemorrhage
07:42But why did they operate him?
07:44Who authorized that?
07:46Look, all the information, Dr. Gutierrez is going to give it to you
07:48Well, tell me, how is he?
07:50He's fine
07:52He's fine
07:54He's fine
07:56He's fine
07:58Well, but tell me, how is he?
08:00Dr. Gutierrez is the person in charge
08:02How is my dad?
08:06You can be calm
08:08Your dad is a very strong man
08:10He resisted the operation very well
08:12So I stopped the hemorrhage and operated both hips
08:14But why did they operate him?
08:16Who authorized that?
08:18I told him we couldn't pay him
08:20Alicia, this morning I talked to your dad about his situation
08:22And he agreed to authorize the surgery
08:24So please, I ask you to calm down
08:27Sit down, please
08:29Trust me, your dad is in good hands
08:33We shouldn't have come to that wheelchair
08:35Look, I want to know what they gave me
08:37I don't know if I had the pain
08:39We must have that remedy at the pharmacy
08:43Oh, dad, disconnect a little from the pharmacy
08:45The doctor explained to me that his hips were failing for a while
08:47So if it hadn't been for the fall
08:49I would never have taken care of you
08:53Look, doctors are all exaggerators
08:56They always invent things
08:58And they blame the patients
09:00That's what they are
09:04Hey, what's with that face?
09:06I know her, what's wrong?
09:08Oh, it's just that
09:10I'm worried about the debts, dad
09:14Now we have two
09:19Well, we'll fix that somehow
09:22How is my bravest patient?
09:24Hello, doctor
09:26And according to the nurse, the most cacarrabia
09:28What do you mean cacarrabia?
09:30What happens, doctor, with a lot of respect
09:32I know about doses, I know about remedies
09:34And I teach her, that's why they feel
09:38Well, there is no pain, there is no fever
09:40The symptoms are good
09:42After the blood test we did in the morning
09:44Your levels came out pretty good
09:46So it's like tuna
09:50Doctor, you give me like a heart injection
09:53So I'm ready to go to work, right?
09:55Yes, of course, calm down
09:57I'm going to give you a day off so you can go home
09:59But you're going to take it easy
10:01Remember that I operated on both hips
10:03So, no, don't worry
10:05You don't have to walk, you're going to do short walks
10:07You're going to start recovering from your normal diet
10:11And after a week, a week and a half
10:13You're just going back to the pharmacy
10:16Thank you very much, doctor
10:18Bye, thank you, doctor
10:21See, you have to listen to the doctor
10:25It's famous because we had a pharmacy
10:27I don't know
10:29I think we're more famous than we think
10:31You're not failing me, doctor
10:35Yes, my dear, excuse me
10:37They gave us a raise
10:39But I'm worried about the bill
10:41Don't worry about that
10:43You don't have to pay anything
10:45What do you say?
10:47Yes, the doctor performed the operation pro bono
10:49It's a benefit that is given to some patients
10:53But what about the rest of the hospital?
10:55Look, Dr. Gutierrez said you didn't have to worry about anything
10:59Everything is fine
11:01What's up, daughter?
11:03No, nothing, daddy, wait a minute
11:05Excuse me, excuse me
11:07And where is he? Can I talk to the doctor?
11:09Difficult, the doctor just left the airport
11:11It was a trip to a congress
11:15Oh, damn
11:18Take care
11:24Bye, thank you
11:26My recovery was slow but safe
11:28I felt renewed
11:30Full of energy to continue on this roller coaster that is life
11:34Although reality did not accompany me
11:39Don't tell me that
11:41I want to say goodbye
11:43Listen, I don't agree, daddy
11:48This is the dream we had with your mother
11:52And now we lost it all
11:54Come on, daddy, don't be sad
11:56This is closing a cycle
12:00I'm glad to see you standing, I don't know
12:06Here, boy
12:08Come visit, hello
12:12The landlord couldn't take it anymore
12:14Yes, he sold it
12:16But now
12:18The pharmacy is yours
12:24When I was a child I had nothing
12:26Joy, I had no affection
12:28And you were very important for me
12:32Here I met my first childhood friend
12:39I called you
12:41No, no, seriously
12:44No, on the contrary, you helped me
12:46And if you didn't see me anymore
12:48It was because just that day
12:50My mother was dying
12:54My son
12:58Your mother died
13:02The next day we left the neighborhood with my grandmother
13:04But she was very bad too
13:06And soon
13:08She also died
13:10And what happened to you after your mother died?
13:13I found a good family
13:15They took care of me
13:17They gave me the opportunity to study
13:19And I took it
13:21I became a doctor
13:23I'm moved
13:25I have a debt with you
13:29No, seriously
13:31The debt
13:35I have it with you
13:37And now it's paid
13:39The pharmacy is yours
13:45Thank you
13:50With the help of Dr. Gutierrez
13:52We were able to get better supplies
13:54In the business
13:58And he became our partner
14:02Our pharmacy was reborn
14:04And so was I
14:06How are my partners?
14:08Jaime, good to see you
14:11Thank you for a good reason
14:15Hey, you're Spanish
14:17Why did you kiss him?
14:19I'm watching you
14:21I'm not 12 years old for you
14:23Don Eusebio
14:25I prefer to call you partner
14:27Don partner
14:29Partner, go ahead
14:31See you
14:33Excuse me
14:37Life is difficult and strange
14:40But it always has explanations for everything
14:42And when I look back
14:44I realize that Jaime is destined
14:46To be part of our lives
14:48Since he appeared
14:50As that child playing in the fight
14:52And some time later
14:54He became my son-in-law
