• 2 months ago
👉 Un hombre fue detenido tras apuñalar y matar a una mujer, e hiriendo a otros dos hombres en La Plata. El ataque fue registrado por una vecina y enviado a los medios. Se investiga si el sospechoso tenía alguna relación con la víctima femenina. El hombre, conocido por frecuentar la zona del bingo local, ha sido imputado por homicidio, tentativa de homicidio y lesiones.

👉 Seguí en #QuienCuandoDonde #QCD
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00:00with a knife. He stabbed and killed a woman, but also two other neighbors.
00:05It was believed at one point that he could have a relationship with the woman or be his ex-partner.
00:12This is the moment of the attack.
00:15It is recorded, it was recorded by a neighbor
00:19who has just kindly sent us this exclusive material that we are showing you
00:26in which, when, where, the dramatic scene ends with a dead woman
00:31and with several injured by the dagger of this man who was finally arrested today.
00:38Yes, he also attacked two other men.
00:42Unfortunately, here what is very dramatic at this moment,
00:45it is very dramatic and we warn about the sensitivity, of course,
00:50because the woman is asking for help.
00:53Help that, unfortunately, did not arrive in time, she was transferred and so on.
00:59And they could not save her life.
01:01This is the man, and what you are seeing now,
01:03this image, I think no one has published it until now.
01:07We also thank the viewers who are sending us this material.
01:12It is the man waiting for his victim.
01:16The man is waiting for this woman,
01:20to whom he will later end up stabbing.
01:23With this, if it is a woman's wait to commit the crime,
01:28with this falls the possible defense of a violent emotion.
01:32There is a premeditation, there is a right planning.
01:34It is hidden behind, it is in a kiosk, a warehouse, it is hidden behind a poster.
01:39The key is to determine if the objective was her, as it is presumed,
01:43and in whose case it would be treated and the elements that are required for a femicide would be reunited,
01:48that is, to kill her for her condition as a woman.
01:51To determine that if the other two men she hurts are because they intend to defend the woman,
01:57if the objective was her, and it was always her objective,
02:00or if she attacked indiscriminately,
02:03and who got the worst part, because she could not defend herself, was the woman.
02:06Who has a lot of information about this shocking case today is Gabriel Prosperi,
02:11who is currently in La Plata.
02:13Gabriel Prosperi live, following the case of the woman stabbed
02:18by a man who also committed it against two other subjects.
02:24How are you going Pablo?
02:25We are in the place of the fact.
02:29We are going to show the corner, only once,
02:31so that you have an idea of ​​the magnitude of the aberration that took place here.
02:38This is the hematic spot that remained of the fatal wound.
02:43We are in 119 and 40, Hippodrome neighborhood.
02:48Maybe during this chronicle you can see that horses pass,
02:52with variators, caretakers, walking around here,
02:55because indeed we are very close to the city of La Plata.
03:00And do you know where this woman lived?
03:02Ten steps away.
03:04In that apartment we have there.
03:08She entered through this door, that we have here,
03:12and she stayed in that apartment on the first floor.
03:15Less than two months ago.
03:18Did the victim and the victimary know each other?
03:22What has been reconstructed so far?
03:25No, they did not know each other.
03:28The woman, more than 70 years, an older woman,
03:32lived alone, mother of a policewoman,
03:36who is currently acting in the city of La Plata.
03:43She came to do the shopping, with a bag in her hand,
03:46and this guy, without saying a word, attacked her.
03:51A neighbor, who lives around here,
03:54was right at the door of her house.
03:56He saw the attack.
03:57He thought this man was hitting her.
04:00Notice that we have a lot of foliage,
04:02here we are under two trees.
04:07It was very little seen, it was about 22 hours.
04:10The woman thought they were hitting the other woman.
04:14She obviously approached to act, when she saw that scene.
04:18The subject told this neighbor,
04:20take her, because this is a matter with this lady,
04:23if you are not going to tie her too.
04:25The lady, of course, went back.
04:27At that moment, a vehicle passes by,
04:30the lady warns that vehicle,
04:32that passes by the place, which is also seen in the video.
04:35In that video, a neighbor captures, right in front,
04:40the scene of the crime.
04:42That vehicle passes by.
04:43Two men get out of that vehicle,
04:45who attack the subject, attacking the woman.
04:48They manage to make the attacker, the aggressor,
04:51to the dessert, the murderer,
04:53run away at 120,
04:55towards 120, on 40th Street, where we are, sorry.
04:59Here, around the corner, is the Gutierrez Hospital.
05:02When these two men who got out of the car,
05:05approach the woman, they see that they had not hit her.
05:09They had stabbed her, she was very badly wounded.
05:11She was thrown, she made a bun,
05:13resisting, as she could, the pain.
05:16Obviously, they stayed with the woman, asking for help.
05:19The ambulance did not arrive immediately,
05:21despite the fact that the Gutierrez Hospital
05:23is here, less than 120 meters.
05:25They decided to take her to the hospital,
05:27but they could not save her life.
05:29The subject to whom we refer,
05:31and that they could observe in that video,
05:33from a kiosk,
05:36was finally arrested,
05:38four blocks from here.
05:40He was arrested four blocks from here,
05:42at 120 and 37.
05:44But, who is this subject?
05:46Where does he come from?
05:48What was he doing?
05:50And why did he kill this woman
05:52without saying a word?
05:54What has been reconstructed so far,
05:56is that he used to walk,
06:00in the area of the bingo,
06:02in the city of La Plata.
06:04Diagonal 80,
06:06diagonal that we have to a block,
06:08four blocks from here,
06:10in the direction of the center of La Plata,
06:12we have the bingo.
06:14This subject prowled around there,
06:16like others,
06:18perhaps of a bad life,
06:20looking to get a cut
06:22from those gamblers,
06:24gamblers, who come out with a handle,
06:26and maybe they can get a tip
06:28for opening a door,
06:30or, in any case, threaten him
06:33with more money,
06:35a greater amount of money.
06:37This subject,
06:39according to what we have been able to reconstruct,
06:41from people close to the fatal victim,
06:45named Elba,
06:47said and reconstructed the following.
06:49This subject
06:51would have told his colleagues,
06:53in quotation marks,
06:55of that stop of the bingo,
06:57of this gang, as it is called here,
06:59of opening doors,
07:01and saying,
07:03I want to kill someone.
07:05And he went out looking for his prey.
07:07That is why we have
07:09two other victims,
07:11luckily they were not fatal,
07:13but they were stabbed by this subject.
07:15One victim very close to the bingo,
07:17when this aggressor
07:19was walking towards here.
07:21And the other,
07:23closer to Hospital Rossi,
07:25at least that is what is known so far,
07:27about six blocks from this place.
07:30And he saw perhaps his weakest prey
07:32walking through a corner,
07:34dark, he attacked her
07:36and took her life.
07:38This would be the story
07:40of this horrendous crime
07:42and of this madman,
07:44who just because he was drunk,
07:48went out hunting,
07:50to kill someone.
07:52In the hands of whom we can be
07:54in a corner like this,
07:56with a lady who was just a few steps away
07:58to get to his house.
08:00Yes, evidently after the story
08:02that you just made,
08:04which answers many of the doubts
08:06and opens others,
08:08what would be the state of this man
08:10if we are talking here
08:12about a matter that affects
08:14mental health,
08:16the consumption of addictions,
08:18a combination of both,
08:20because at the same assistance center,
08:22you said it well in your story,
08:24two other men,
08:27one in the torso
08:29and the other in the leg,
08:31the right leg,
08:33and it is clear that he had been
08:35injured in 116,
08:37between 37 and diagonal 74.
08:39This man was already coming
08:41in a corner,
08:43stabbing people.
08:47in this context,
08:49this elderly lady
08:51obviously took the worst part
08:53because he was the one
08:55who behaved more violently
08:57or who had less resources
08:59due to his age
09:01physically to be able to defend himself.
09:03Let's see, today we were discussing
09:05whether this was a femicide or not.
09:09Some believe that it is a femicide,
09:11others say no,
09:13because in reality this man
09:15went to stab men and women,
09:17that is, he does not end up attacking
09:19the woman just because she is a woman,
09:21he attacks men and women.
09:24I think it is a femicide
09:26because the figure of the femicide
09:28that I have been reading
09:30is going to disappear.
09:32No, not yet,
09:34it is still a femicide.
09:36It would be crazy if it were.
09:38But it is still something
09:40that we have to take into account
09:42and if it is a femicide,
09:44if they change the criminal code
09:46and change the sentences,
09:48obviously it will be reduced
09:50because a better law
09:52will always go to the river.
09:54Today it can be discussed
09:56if it can be a femicide
09:58because the femicide today
10:00existed beyond the fact
10:02that there are other victims.
10:04The femicide existed.
10:06But I do not understand
10:08if this has no explanation.
10:10Let's start there.
10:12Good afternoon.
10:14Except that in the tour later
10:16and we will see,
10:18Gaby gave us information
10:21that he had a special encounter
10:23with this woman
10:25who recognized her
10:27and once asked her for money
10:29and she did not want to give it to him.
10:31Looking for an explanation
10:33to something that does not have it,
10:35I do not understand
10:37why, beyond arguments,
10:39the person is under the effects
10:41of drugs and all the people
10:43who are under the effects
10:45of drugs go out to stab people,
10:47it would be a pandemonium.
10:49I see that a person
10:51who goes out with a knife
10:53is because he intends
10:55to injure someone, kill, hurt
10:57or attack a person
10:59of any sex.
11:01In this case, the man was accused
11:03of homicide, attempted homicide
11:05and injuries.
11:07In addition, there are two other men
11:09who were injured with the same weapon
11:11that killed this poor woman.
11:13The figure of the femicide
11:15is not yet removed
11:18from the criminal code
11:20and it is important to say
11:22that everything is an aggravation
11:24when a man hurts, kills
11:26or injures a woman.
11:28I want to ask Gaby
11:30who is still alive
11:32in the area of ​​the racetrack
11:34if they knew this man
11:36in the neighborhood.
11:38No, no, no.
11:40He was not used to being here.
11:42In fact, Pablo,
11:44he was not used to being here
11:46according to the information
11:48that is in the IPP
11:50in the preliminary police investigation
11:52this subject lives
11:54in Alto de San Lorenzo
11:56Alto de San Lorenzo
11:58is in the southern area
12:00of ​​the city of La Plata
12:02on the other side
12:04here we are in the northern area
12:06for us to locate
12:08those who have come to La Plata
12:10or do it regularly
12:12we are closer here
12:15after the descent of the racetrack
12:17than what is the southern area
12:19of ​​La Plata
12:21that is, we are quite far
12:23from where this man lived
12:25so we should somehow
12:27relativize the fact that
12:29he had some kind of relationship
12:31with this woman
12:33at least he would not have any close ties
12:35and the people who lived
12:37or who live in this house
12:39and knew Elba
12:41had never seen this man here
12:43maybe once
12:45but he did not commit
12:47this abhorrent crime
12:51if there was a connection
12:53a relationship between Elba
12:55and his murderer
12:57it should be ruled out
13:01according to what is in the reconstruction
13:03and with the aggravating
13:05that this subject
13:07was stabbing people in the street
13:09everything indicates Pablo
13:12that this would be a murder
13:14and sorry for the expression
13:16for the violence
13:18he found his victim
13:20three meters from his house
13:22now he found the victim
13:24you also think
13:26it's a big woman
13:28maybe he saw her
13:30in a state of vulnerability
13:32and that's why
13:34I don't know if you see
13:36that before you see a man
13:38with a delivery box
13:40we have two women on the table
13:42Olga stabbed two other men
13:44but when she was behind
13:46waiting for this lady to appear
13:48she could have done the same
13:50with the delivery man
13:52and yet he was looking
13:54all the time to see who he was going to choose
13:56there is no link
13:58no relationship with the policewoman
14:00who is the lady's daughter
14:02I think there is still
14:04a way to analyze
14:06that connection is not there yet
14:09Pablo, that connection is not there
14:11but taking into account
14:13the daily life of this man
14:15in the circle
14:17in which he handled
14:19in the habituality
14:21of his doing
14:23in a gang, I reiterate
14:25that used to prowl around the bingo area
14:27that were at home
14:29of a permanent opportunity
14:31it does not seem that he was
14:33a great member
14:35of a lamp gang
14:37here in the city of La Plata
14:39I explain
14:41he is a person who is on the street
14:43looking for his possibility
14:45and in this case, disillusioned
14:47by some issue that has to do
14:49with drugs, with alcohol
14:51he went out, as he himself would have said
14:53to charge someone
14:55Bobby, is it unthinkable
14:57that you go out on the street
14:59clearly we begin to realize
15:01that we go out on the street
15:03and they can steal you
15:06when you go out with your car
15:08they steal it
15:10but they come to stab you
15:12in a corner?
15:14without any apparent reason
15:16it's crazy
15:18I was reviewing the testimony
15:20of a neighbor
15:22who was occasionally
15:24sitting very close to there
15:26with someone who had
15:28an impediment to move fast
15:30I do not know if it comes from an operation
15:32a fracture or something
15:34it seemed to them that it was
15:36a fight
15:38and a car that passes
15:40and you hear screams
15:42you tell him if you can intervene
15:44or go see that he is hitting you
15:46believing that they were blows
15:48and not stabbing
15:50because with whom this lady was
15:52he was prevented from doing it
15:54who now feels half guilty
15:56of not having been able to intervene
15:58before because of this situation
16:00now it is also key
16:03that the police
16:05go after him
16:07and finally find a person
16:09all bloody
16:11a scene of terror
16:13that he himself also had
16:15it is seen that in the process
16:17of having attacked others
16:19among them the victim
16:21of the fatal outcome
16:23he also had some wounds
16:25in his own body
