• 2 months ago
Un policía fue atacado por tres delincuentes en Bernal, Quilmes, resultando herido mientras intentaba proteger a su hijo que se encontraba dentro del vehículo. El incidente ha generado polémica y discusiones en las redes sociales sobre la seguridad y las medidas preventivas en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Se destaca la creciente preocupación por los ataques a los oficiales fuera de servicio y el aumento de la autodefensa vecinal.


00:00There was another police officer who was injured in Bernal.
00:04Let's go to Bernal.
00:05Look at what happened to a police officer
00:08in the town of Bernal, in Quilmes.
00:12He was hit by an aggravator.
00:14His son was in the car.
00:18There you go. Three criminals.
00:22Three criminals.
00:23They reduced him.
00:25But of course, the little one was inside the car.
00:29And the police officer tries to defend himself
00:32and prevent them from taking his son.
00:35He shoots.
00:37But he also ends up injured.
00:39Look at the amount of police officers.
00:41Look at how he is.
00:43But he comes back. He comes back desperate.
00:45The bullet they put in his leg.
00:47Because there he is. He wants to protect his son.
00:50He makes him get out now.
00:52And he makes him enter the house from which he had withdrawn him.
00:55Marcelo Padovani live in Bernal.
00:58Discovering this new event of violence
01:02in which the protagonist is also a police officer.
01:08Yes, a police officer from the city.
01:09Pablo, how are you? Good afternoon.
01:11Here on Misiones Street, West Bernal.
01:13The police officer came out.
01:15Well, it looks clear in the video, doesn't it?
01:17The police officer, a young police officer,
01:20puts his son in his vehicle
01:24on the sidewalk of a house.
01:26And, well, it is surprising, as we always see,
01:29these piranhas that are going around
01:31waiting for the opportunity to assault anyone, right?
01:34Whether you are a police officer, a neighbor,
01:36whatever you are, they will assault you anyway.
01:39Well, fortunately we have to say
01:41that the police officer's injury was not fatal in this case, right?
01:44Because it is a leg injury.
01:46But the truth is that the young police officer comes out,
01:50puts his son in the car and it is surprising, as we see.
01:52They get out of the car.
01:55There is a problem with the police officers, Pablo, Bobby, right?
01:58It has to do with the fact that if they detect that you are a police officer,
02:00they are going to finish you off for sure.
02:01The police officers are aware of this.
02:03Of course.
02:03So they cannot risk being identified.
02:07They have to defend themselves anyway.
02:10And there is, then, the problem
02:14of why we see so many shootings,
02:16let's say, so many bullet wounds, right?
02:17Because it has to do with that.
02:19Surely, when they are police officers, I say, right?
02:21Of course.
02:22And also, I imagine you are in that situation with your son.
02:25Well, we saw him shot two days ago.
02:29Then the same case of Moreno that we just showed you.
02:33Who has a gun, finally ends up using it, right?
02:36Police officer, not police officer.
02:37Exactly, exactly.
02:38He ends up using it in a situation like this.
02:39But much more, if they are police officers,
02:40this is highlighted by Marcelo Padovani.
02:42Of course, yes.
02:42Because you also think that in the face of the reiteration, in fact,
02:46of these characteristics that involve them
02:48in attacks where they are the object of robbery
02:51in the province of Buenos Aires, in the Conurbano,
02:54and it generated controversy,
02:55and they go around on social media
02:58instead of sitting down to solve it.
03:00It is not a minor issue.
03:02You think that they were even enabled,
03:04from the administrative, from the regulation,
03:07to be able to move
03:09with their bulletproof vests.
03:12But you think, we are in summer,
03:14you put on a bulletproof vest,
03:16and it is to put a bright sign in front of you
03:18saying, I am a police officer,
03:20which makes the situation worse.
03:22In fact, I think that this police officer
03:26took too long to take out his gun
03:29because he did not have,
03:29look, he did not have an angle.
03:31If you, look.
03:32I think he is trying to get away from the vehicle,
03:34because of his son's presence.
03:36Also, look, first he grabs him by the back.
03:38There he goes.
03:39But he does not introduce himself as a police officer, of course.
03:42He does not take out his gun.
03:44And then, suddenly, he starts going backwards.
03:49I think that is when he takes out his gun.
03:52But of course, he was
03:55getting in the way of the vehicle.
03:58Marce, every day we hear
04:00a story like this, it is impressive.
04:02Yes, yes.
04:03Yes, the security issues are already countless.
04:10Let's say, it is strange that there are so many police officers, right?
04:15Victims, but it also seems that they come to the crime scene.
04:18It is the crime scene, it is the crime scene, yes.
04:20They are looking for,
04:22they are looking to rob someone.
04:26In fact, they see you.
04:27They are police officers, right?
04:29They see you, they see you a little distracted,
04:32getting out of the car.
04:34Now we are going to see a little cat in Mar del Plata,
04:35a situation too.
04:37People who came on vacation.
04:38Well, I want to show you,
04:39Marito, Bobby, guys, sorry.
04:42What are the security measures of the neighborhood?
04:43Look at the electric fence, do you see it?
04:45Look, I'm going to ask Marito the yellow one, look.
04:48And, but that's high, let's say.
04:50Of course.
04:50Well, you can still see that someone is climbing, right?
04:53Because, let's say, if not,
04:54that would not make sense.
04:56Marce, think about the other day.
04:58Like those that put cattle in the fields.
05:00Of course, think about the other day,
05:01that they got into the retiree,
05:03in the house, the one who used the shotgun.
05:06That is, if they climb you, they get everywhere.
05:09Yes, yes.
05:23Justo, le pasaron por el punto ciego, ¿eh?
05:25Justo no está mirando cuando le pasó la copa.
05:39Están trabajando de motos propios para defenderse,
05:42de alguna manera,
05:43y se van pasando en los grupos de WhatsApp
05:46acontecimientos que van sucediendo todos los días.
05:48Es impresionante la cantidad de videos
05:52que nos están acercando
05:53y que estamos, por supuesto, analizando
05:55y cuando podamos vamos a transmitirlos también.
06:00Señal de esto que está sucediendo,
06:02no es monitoreo oficial,
06:04son las cámaras de los vecinos.
06:06Las cámaras no terminan previniendo el crimen,
06:09pero por lo menos es algo...
06:11Te diría, es algo para hacer catarsis a este punto, ¿no?
06:14No, y en algún punto también esta organización vecinal
06:17me preocupa, me preocupa que está llevando esto
06:20a un terreno de un cuerpo a cuerpo
06:23entre vecinos y delincuentes, ¿eh?
06:26Porque después vamos a repasar,
06:28también creo que fue en Isidro Casanova,
06:29en las últimas horas,
06:31donde directamente los consiguieron detener
06:34y les metieron una paliza.
06:36Y casi los lincharon,
06:38digo casi los lincharon,
06:39porque un linchamiento impliquería haberlos matado.
06:42Y esta tampoco es la solución, ¿eh?
06:45No, no, no.
06:46Lo que pasa es que en la desesperación
06:49a veces las soluciones no se terminan de elegir.
06:52Es lo que termina pasando, o lo que hay.
06:55Pero Pablo, Pablo Bobby,
06:58ya lo dije y lo voy a repetir,
06:59en el 2024, 20 mil robos motochorros por día,
07:03estadística, o sea, fíjate las que no se denuncian,
07:0520 mil robos motochorros por día.
07:06En el AMBAS, 7200 comercios por día se roban.
07:10¿Y quiénes aplicaron política de Estado para esto?
07:13Los vecinos.
07:14Se enrejaron, pusieron cámaras.
07:17Hacen de todo los vecinos.
07:19Sin embargo, sin embargo, digo,
07:21en todo el país, ¿eh?
07:22No quiero hablar solamente de la provincia de Buenos Aires,
07:24no hay una sola ley contra los motochorros.
07:26No hay una sola ley que les diga,
07:28señores, esto se acaba.
07:29A ver, Merce, quédate ahí en Bernal.
07:31Chico de producción, si podemos poner al aire...
07:34Porque quiero compartir...
07:36A ver, te lo está mostrando.
07:37A ver, a ver, contame.
07:38Mirá, el tamaño de esa alarma, mirá.
07:41El tamaño de esa alarma, pobre, sí.
07:43A ver, a ver.
07:45Mirá, ahí está, mirá.
07:47¿La ves en la pared?
07:48Ahí en la columna.
07:50Una alarma pegada ahí.
07:53Bueno, así está esta zona de Bernal.
07:57Bernal Oeste, sí.
07:58Merce, le pedí a la producción,
08:00imágenes que nos llegaron el día de hoy también
08:05desde Mar del Plata.
08:06¿Y por qué quería hacer hincapié en esto?
08:09Porque unas dos motos con cuatro personas,
08:14algunos de ellos aparentemente menores también,
08:17venían circulando durante todo el día
08:20por un barrio en Mar del Plata.
08:22Los vecinos llaman a la policía de Mar del Plata.
