• yesterday
Un vecino recién mudado a un edificio en la calle Ensenada, Buenos Aires, ha causado disturbios al romper la puerta del edificio y atacar varios autos. El incidente fue captado por cámaras de seguridad, lo que llevó a su detención por parte de la comisaría 10C y el Ministerio Público Fiscal. Los vecinos están preocupados por su comportamiento agresivo y temen las consecuencias de su posible liberación. Actualmente, se investiga si el individuo tiene antecedentes psiquiátricos o criminales.

🗣️ Antonio Laje
👉 Seguí en #OtraMañana


00:00As you can see, it's a door, a building on Ensenada Street, almost on Avenue Directorio,
00:05which was violated by an unbalanced neighbor, I would tell you, at least, right?
00:12Because he has had really very violent behavior here in the neighborhood since he moved about two months ago.
00:20Look, he lives in this house, how nice, with this building and its terrace.
00:26It seems that he had problems with some of the neighbors.
00:30I don't know if someone threw something at him or someone dropped something on him.
00:34And this caused this neighbor to react by breaking the door of the building
00:40without caring about security cameras, being recorded on video,
00:45and obviously the complaints that came later, right?
00:49Look what he does.
00:51He comes, first he kicks the door and then grabs a bucket from here on the sidewalk,
00:57a loose bucket, exactly.
00:59There we see it.
01:00And he acts directly by breaking more windows of this door that has glass distributed.
01:07He didn't care about anything, because it was recorded.
01:10I think a car is breaking, it seems.
01:13Let's see.
01:15Well, that was another of the episodes.
01:17Let's see.
01:18Let's see the episode of the car then.
01:21The man lives in this house, right?
01:24He moved very recently.
01:25The first thing he did was to paint his garage entrance with this yellow paint on the cord,
01:32also an E, to prevent him from parking here on the asphalt, on the curb.
01:38Without the permission of the city government, of course.
01:40Why? Because he got tired of cars parking here.
01:45And as it happened to him that cars parked here again, look what he does.
01:51He also breaks the door.
01:52There he breaks the door.
01:53In a very violent way.
01:54He acts on a car that ...
01:58We are out of date with your story, but it doesn't matter.
02:00There we see the door.
02:03Ah, the door made him ball, kick, stone.
02:07But forgive me, the car is at the entrance of a garage, from what I see.
02:14Of course, it's his car.
02:15It's his car.
02:16Notice the beginning that he attacked.
02:17It's next to his house.
02:19In the car of the reason.
02:20It's his car.
02:24Well, he painted yellow to warn everyone that they can't park here,
02:29although obviously it is a garage entrance and no one could park.
02:35Apparently next door there is a business that receives suppliers who park,
02:39carry a bag, deliver some merchandise and leave.
02:42Well, the man got fed up, he got tired.
02:46He has only been living here in this place for two months.
02:49Uy, now the door thing is crazy.
02:51This is not the only car that attacked.
02:52Yes, it's the only video, but it has attacked another car too.
02:58And then the episode of the door.
03:00Excuse me.
03:01The car you saw and the door was the same day.
03:05And the neighbor who is well identified and the justice he did.
03:08I don't know what he did.
03:11He must be arrested, I guess.
03:12He was arrested.
03:13First because the neighbors, yes, exactly.
03:15And he is still under arrest.
03:17The 10C police station intervened here and also the public prosecutor's office of the city government, of course.
03:23And now they are finding out in advance if it is a patient who has concussions,
03:29if it is a psychiatric patient, for example.
03:32Well, they are finding out what happens to this man who acts this way
03:37because obviously he cannot live like this in society, right?
03:41Yes, we are very crazy.
03:43Here there is a police statement.
03:46The man is still under arrest, but of course the neighbors are afraid of what will happen when he is released.
03:54But the police statement is because the door is broken, because the neighbor is under arrest.
04:01No, the neighbor is still under arrest.
04:04Yes, he is still under arrest.
04:05The door is still broken because it has not been repaired yet.
04:07This was on Saturday.
04:08Notice that in the holes where there is no glass, they have put a nylon to preserve it
04:15until the repair work comes.
04:21How crazy, huh?
04:24But you have to be very bad to kick a door, break it, grab a brick, break it, break a car.
04:30Is it okay?
04:31If they stop you in the driveway once, twice, three times.
04:34What I don't know is if the neighbor wanted to get out.
04:36It seems to me that no, I don't know if he has a car.
04:38Because at no time does he dare to go out and meet the car.
04:42We are very crazy.
04:44No, you don't see that.
04:46But yes, extreme reactions.
04:48Really extreme.
04:51Well, Paula, thank you very much.
04:53Let's hope that when he is released, the slogan continues.
04:56You know what?
04:57Here everything is very strange.
04:58Suddenly he stays one day, two days.
04:59Then he leaves and they release him, the violent neighbor.
05:03Well, we'll be back.
