• 2 months ago
A woman who noticed her hair falling out in the shower is embracing her new bald look - after being diagnosed with alopecia.

Wayde Cadogan, 25, started noticing clumps of her blonde locks getting caught in her brush and falling out while she washed her hair in the shower.

In August 2024, Wayde went to the hairdresser and told her how she had been losing her hair and she recommended that Wayde go to her doctor immediately.

Her doctor recommended Wayde book an appointment with a dermatologist and endocrinologist and she was diagnosed with alopecia - a condition that causes hair loss on the body or head - during her first appointment.

Wayde says her diagnosis came as a "shock" and says she started having steroid injections into her scalp and tablets to help her hair grow back.

In December 2024, Wayde stopped having the steroid injections and shaved her head after deciding to embrace alopecia fully.


00:00These are the things that I found useful when I first started losing my hair.
00:03When I very first started losing my hair, it was due to Hashimoto's, thyroid problems,
00:07and I experienced quite a deep shedding across my scalp.
00:10I was quite lucky that I went and saw a naturopath, some doctors,
00:13got on the right medication, and my hair started growing back quite quickly.
00:16So I was left with a lot of fluff like this.
00:18To counteract this, I would often put my hair in slick back buns and looks like that,
00:24and honestly you couldn't really tell.
00:26And then I was lucky enough to get alopecia, as I've mentioned in the past.
00:29Big bald patches, which I couldn't really do the slick back looks for anymore.
00:33I started by wearing a lot of headbands like this one.
00:36I then progressed to wearing hats with pretty much all of my outfits.
00:39I know that there are some hair, not hairsprays,
00:42but hair fiber stuff that you can get to help cover some patches.
00:46That's not something that I tried, but I know that some people do find that helpful.
00:49So if there's a brand you can recommend to someone or something that you really like
00:52that someone else might find helpful,
00:54leave a comment because you might help someone else.
00:56Then got to the stage where hats weren't cutting it anymore,
00:59headbands weren't cutting it anymore.
01:01So I kind of had to go a step further,
01:03and I was really really nervous about getting my first piece of hair.
01:06This is the first wig that I bought.
01:10So the first step for me was actually a hair topper.
01:13This lasted me about, I want to say six to eight weeks before it didn't cover enough anymore.
01:18I just clip it into my hair and then tie it with the rest of my hair in a bun.
01:23Made it look a bit better than this.
01:24The day that I actually shaved the rest of my hair off,
01:27it was time for me to go and buy my first full wig.
01:31I was so nervous.
01:32This is the one that I bought.
01:33It's considered a cheap wig in the wig world.
01:36One piece of advice would be, if you can, try and get to a store.
01:39Because in a store you can touch, you can feel, you can see the wigs.
01:42Everything kind of looks a little bit different online.
01:44Probably would have never picked this color if I was online shopping for wigs,
01:47but because I was in the store and I got to try it on with my complexion,
01:50I ended up really liking it.
01:54So I'm going to go ahead and put this wig on.
01:56I'm going to put this wig on.
01:57I'm going to put this wig on.
01:58I'm going to put this wig on.
01:59I'm going to put this wig on.
02:00I'm going to put this wig on.
02:01I'm going to put this wig on.
02:02I'm going to put this wig on.
02:03I'm going to put this wig on.
02:04I'm going to put this wig on.
02:05I'm going to put this wig on.
02:06I'm going to put this wig on.
02:07I'm going to put this wig on.
02:08I'm going to put this wig on.
02:09I'm going to put this wig on.
02:10I'm going to put this wig on.
02:11I'm going to put this wig on.
02:12I'm going to put this wig on.
02:13I'm going to put this wig on.
